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what adventurous things to do when high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by inb4bud, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Im looking for awsome adventurous things to do when im high xD

    Whats your most adventurous story?

    Mine is none, im still waiting for one :)

    (hopefully tommorow)
  2. Hmmm well the first one that comes to mind is late at night, climbing a mound of dirt that was put there while land was being excavated. It was right next to Main St. in Worcester so it was still pretty busy and me and my 2 friends felt boss. Smoked a blunt before, and a blunt on top of it. It was a beautiful, clear night too and we could see lots of stars even in the middle of the city. Nobody looked at us because the mound was 2 stories high, so it was like we were alone in the middle of the city.. ghosts, if you will. It was just an incredible experience.

    Sounds kind of boring described literally though. "We climbed a mound of dirt." :laughing:
  3. Go out with your friends while fried to your local park and crack jokes
  4. Going anywhere while high can be an adventure. Most of my adventures arent planned either. They just kinda happen.
  5. I like going exploring in the woods. Any place can be an adventure really. Sometimes when I'm even walking through the mall or walmart while high, it feels like I'm a primitive ancient human exploring the 21st century for the first time. All this technology amazes me.
  6. Me and my friends like to go driving about at night after we pick up from our dealer, i always carry my camera in my bag so i can add some photos to this post!. This one time we were parked up in this field, we made a little fire outside, then hotboxed the car and watched the fire from inside, got into adventure mode then decided to go hunting for spots.

    Theres the ruins of a castle in a town near us, we aways hear about it so we decided to go looking, after time of driving up the craziest roads ive been on, and getting into a lot of random stuff on the journey while we stopped for joints (trying to get to sick view spots and getting lost mainly) We ended up in completely the wrong place..

    But whatever, this place we found was this road, it had trees growing over it in an arch, so you were driving through pretty much a tunnel of them, Went down it for a few miles and it came out onto this strip of path, imagine like a valley laid out like a W and the cars on the middle line, went down the road further, and on both sides of the road we had this completely insane view, we could see where our town was, and on the other side was the town of the place with the castle, Weird thing was in this epic view, we could see where we lived, and all the places we go to, but we never noticed the road in the day when its pretty much higher than both towns.
    Anyway we never found that spot again, but it was a sick adventure.

    Attached Files:

  7. I did almost the same thing back in highschool with my girlfriend.
    There was a dirt mound a couple blocks away from the school and it was pretty tall, walked there after the football game and just chilled and took some hits out of her one hitter. Was a great night, just laid on top looking at the stars.
  8. going fishing while high is fun. live on a lake so i do it a good bit.
  9. i like to go adventuring man:cool:
  10. You could go for a walk in the woods. There's some good trails not too far from my house and they are very fun to walk when I bake in them. :smoking:
  11. pretend to be a ninja and have high battles lol. you dont actually fight but u imagine it all. youd be suprised lol
  12. watch adventure time,
  13. watch a really cool adventure movie like indiana jones.
  14. [quote name='"n00bslayer06"']pretend to be a ninja and have high battles lol. you dont actually fight but u imagine it all. youd be suprised lol[/quote]

    lol ive actually done something like this wen stoned and had a really dope time ^.^
  15. I like to walk or ride my bike down the bike trail near my house while smoking a j. Its cool cause the scenery is so beautiful, I live near some amazing mountains!
  16. Alright so me and two other friends were outside in the middle of the night and we were on our fifth bowl in my glass pipe. (we were smoking right by the road next to a tree) I look up and I see a person with light walking towards us. I just got up and ditched because I was too high. I come back 15 mins later an find out it was one of my neighbors (18) an one of his friends (18). They had some so we decide to go down to the towns pond. We smoke three more and then we took the canoes and paddle boats out and started cruising and playing bumper boats. We smoke 2 more bowls in the pond and my one of my friends falls out (he fell out when nobody hit him or anything) we just all burst out laughing I nearly pissed my pants. Well we go to shore and we smoke one last bowl and we split. It was such and awesome adventure definitely my best one.
    PS the kid that fell in the water had to walk back to my house soaking wet in the cold night it was hardcore
  17. Anything in nature. Mountain biking, cayaking, or just lounging in a comfy tree with music by the river. The further from the human cancer the better lol. Well i shouldnt say that because sometimes scenes over cities and such can be just as mesmerizing and thought inducing. Its basically just about switchin it up all the time because adventures arent the same when you repeat the same ones too often
  18. Play Ultimate Frisbee at night in the local park or baseball field. Or just go to the mall at night and play Hide and Go Seek at like 4 am in the morning, and just keep smoking. So much fun and funny shit will happen. Wear tennis shoes though in case you have to run.
  19. I look for arrowheads!

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