what a nightmare!

Discussion in 'General' started by Mr.b0ssh0gg, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. i had a weird dream last night... but it was more of a nightmare. i woke up feeling guilty and unsettled. what happened was i had purchased a 10L bag of hydroton pebbles for $60! and then the shipping was like $45! it sucked....

    and i grow soil not hydro, a good dream would have been finding a literal ton of coco coir for $15, free shipping.
  2. Oh I had such a great dream the other night.

    I crashed into a garage, and inside was just huge garbage bags full of bud. I was stuffing my pockets and my car, when the owner of it all walked in. Hes like "What are you doing?" and i'm like "ummmm, oh nothing, just on my way out of here" and he's like "oh ok".

    Waking up sucked though.
  3. In the worst nightmare I have ever had I was at a concert and wanted some weed. I bought some very overpriced hashish from a girl (I was desperate for a smoke) but it turned out to be soapbar. I woke up with a cold sweat.
  4. Same for me, I had a nightmare where I was at a waterpark with a kid and me and him were killing people. It was so weird. Luckily a wake and baked got those disturbing thoughts out of my head. :smoking:

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