so reading a lot of the bong threads, it seems like people just completely hate drag in there bongs. am i the only one that likes there to be a bit of chug in the bong i mean smooth bongs are great no question but i like to put my lungs to work. anyone else prefer a little drag when smoking?
either or i like it both ways i guess i ment more of chug think about it now but i like a little drag from perks also
I hate drag but i do enjoy a "chuggier" perc. I have to say i always preferred my bongs that way but after hitting my sov stemline i've not missed the chug at all
You can try Boromarket but you have to pay for a membership. You can also try some facebook trading groups. I'm sure there's one out there.
drags ok for a single stage, other than that fuck drag, when you're toking multiple times a day you want a nice piece that puts little stress on your lungs, it makes smoking more enjoyable and the less water helps retain the savory flavor of your tasty tasty buds. After typing that last part my mouth is watering