I figured this was the section to post rants my friend Brant calls me up and tell me that this kid Parker (whom i severly dislike) ripped off my other friend Travis. big suprise. apparently Parker was selling "dank" and pulled out maybe an 8th of some old, dry schwag that looks EXACTLY like the schwag that my friend sells, because both Brant and i buy from him. And Parker tells both of them to put thier money down on the table, and he would sell them the sack for 70. It was like 4 grams, i wouldn't pay 70 for it if it was fucking white widow. Brant says, um hell no and Travis puts down 20, P takes the 20 and runs home, up the street. This kid must have some balls considering he lives up the street from Brant and Travis, and goes to our school. Travis is afraid to fight Parker even though i'm sure he could beat his ass. And Travis has gotten in plenty of fights before and done pretty good, i don't know why. That seriously makes me rage and wish somebody would beat this kids ass, he deserves it. /End rant
damn that sucks, yeah he should do something about it or this kid P is going to think he can get away with stuff like that. someone needs to teach him a lesson
Haha again sorry for letters, but i didn't wanna be like "my friend blah blah and then my other friend whos friends with my friend" but i didn't want to use names. I'm not even a violent person but something about P makes me wanna beat the shit out of him. I hope T finds it in him..
yeah i know what you mean, im not a violent person either but some people are just assholes and they just get to you. I try to ignore them but its hard to sometimes
B and T should go get their buddies C and D and all go to P's house and then take P's money, while C and D burn the house down? You should use imaginary names instead, I had a difficult time deciphering what letter did what.