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What’s better ? Your sober opinion or your stoned opinion ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by TheRealCesarG, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Hey what’s up guys I was smoking the other day and I came to a realization. My sober opinion is much different than my stoned opinion.

    For example I post a picture that my sober self likes but when I light up a joint I dislike it and delete it immediately. I feel as if my stoned opinion is more accurate because it allows me to give the subject some deep thought.

    I found out that I like to give my opinion on something sober first, and then I smoke a little and rethink it from a different angle . I always end up going with my stoned opinion even though like I said when I sober up my opinion is completely different. I just feel it’s more accurate due to the different views I look at it from.

    So tell me folks, what do you prefer ?
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  2. I only have one opinion


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  3. Well since I use cannabis for crippling depression I'd have to say my stoned opinion.
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  4. My opinion of music can be determined wether I’m stoned or not.
    Some music just seems sooo much better while high.

    Writing and recording music while high may sound good at the time, but listening back to it later while not high may cause me to re-think or even scrap an idea.

    Cuts both ways..
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  5. It depends... I’ve encountered differences on both sides. Usually when it comes to business, I try not to get involved when I’m high. I’ve had a few bad PR incidents where I’ve learned to wait until the morning to respond to something publicly that is business related.

    As far as posting pictures/posts or music preference, it really just depends on the day and how I’m feeling. I’ve posted a sober post/picture, and then the next day, my same sober self will look at it and delete, and visa versa.
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  6. I’m more sensitive to others feelings and needs when medicated.
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  7. It really depends. I tend to be more pessimistic about some things. If someone does a good deed I might see the reason they did it and I may imagine it being for their own self interest, and in this the person feels ugly to me. Also putting the right words to how I feel about something can be very difficult. Weed affects my ability to recall some words, even days after smoking, or it seems that way.

    But there are times where I find my stoned opinion provides some reassurance about the way things are, that I will continue to grow and find truth and love.

    but overall I'd have to say that my sober opinion is better for me. Fewer depressing thoughts cross my mind.
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  8. I would pull out my ol guitar and jam with ya. I'm not very good though I haven't played in years. I think I wanna get back into it one day I gotta a saxophone too that I used to play as well in middle school. :passtheshit:
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  9. To me it’s fun and interesting to discover which opinions are same in both “worlds”, It’s like “my true opinion” when it doesn’t change while sober or stoned, it’s a fun journey.
    I must agree though weed helped me get over my ex-bf, when sober I wanted to be with him but weed always helped me to see “the other side” and ask myself: “seriously? After all these things he’s done do I still want to be with him?”

    So yeah, It’s nice to be able to see both sides of the coin, but in the end it is still you, just wiser I could say :) peace & love to you

    Why not?
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