wet weight or dry weight?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by andychelsea, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. Hi,I have read many growers forums and some people weigh their weed wet,right after trimming.Others say this is pointless and weigh theirs only after drying/curing.So my question is,should weed be weighed wet or dry? Also,when seed shops etc. are talking about the yield of different varieties,do they mean dry yield or wet yield? Thanks. Ps.my first post so apologies if its in the wrong forum.
  2. do it dry dude. my friend once bought an ounce and I weighed out all his dubs with him (1.0) and then I bought one and I was like "damn this looks skimpy as fuck" (now that im actually paying for it) so i weighed it out and it was .7. that bs.
  3. no point weighing wet weed unless you are really curious how much weight you lose from the drying process.

  4. Weights are always dry,wet weights are crazy!
  5. Weight out the final product.

    Dried cured buds = final product.
  6. Im asking about how people work out their crop yields rather than buying or selling weed,but cheers anyway.
  7. ^It's all the same -- buying, selling, personal stash, whatever, all that matters is dry weight.
  8. Its all about dry weight. When you weigh it wet your are weighing mostly the water weight when you its dry you loose about half to 2/3rd of the weight. In addition dry weight can vary with density too , so there are too many variables to consider.

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