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Wet weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dylan2213, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 dylan2213, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    I had to ditch my weed in a bush in a little baggy because some cops pulling up, i came back 2-3days later and it rained 2 out of those 3 days and my weed is soaked.... its a little slimey to.... what to do? i cant openly dry it in my house cause im living with my parents.


    its not a large amount of weed too, so will it dry quicker and if so how long?
  2. steal the toaster oven!
  3. Hmm, normally you can let it sit out and dry. Under your circumstances I don't know what to say. The home is off limits, it won't get any better outside. Try letting it sit in an air tight container with a paper towel below the weed.
  4. can i smoke it wet or is that bad?
  5. Yeah, you don't want to smoke it wet. It won't burn.
  6. Just let it dry out THC is not water soluble so don't worry wait a few hours to let it dry enough to where you can smoke it.
  7. make sure to check for mold.
  8. Sounds like somn that happened to me.

    Watch out for mold.
  9. My friend was a noob and coughed into the bong one time when he was really ripped. He soaked the WHOOOOOOOOOOLE bowl, .3 or so. So i dumped it onto a piece of paper on my desk behind my laptop and a few hours later, it was dry, and didn't have any mould.

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