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Wet bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sx420, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Not sticky, wet feeling. Does this just mean that the plant wasn't dried long
    or something?:confused:

    also, it burns wicked wicked slow and the stems, when I collected them, looked almost like still alive.. I'm guessing the harvest
    is just a bit premature? that or not dried long enough or something..?
  2. Sounds like its not fully dry yet, I dunno much about premature harvesting but I'd imagine it would still be as dry as normal bud after they dry it of course. :p throw it in a jar for a day or so and see how it is.
  3. Either the bud was purposely made wet to offset the scale to result in the dealer having to use less product to sell bags at the "correct" weight.

    Or the weed was not cured 100%.
  4. Yeah I'd guess that the weed isnt finished being curred yet.. If thats the case I would put it in a jar for a couple of days.. Its either that or the guys an ass and keeps his bud on orange peels or something crazy...

    Either wait for it to cure for a couple more days or if you cant wait you can Microwave it at 8-10 second icroments lol :p

    Sucks!! Always check the weed out before you buy it :D
  5. Lol, or they wet it down in order to make it weigh more and fuck you over.

    probably just too fresh not cured properly. but i've seen people spray their shit to make it weigh more.

  6. I was thinking he sprayed it with water or some crap, but this dude pushes' amounts
    that I could only dream of possessing lol. So that's what's making me rule that out.

  7. Yea but think of this.

    If he can make 1 gram of bud weigh 2 grams just by making it wet or steaming it, he can effectively make 1.75 grams turn into 3.5g. or 10 grams into 20g.

    thus doubling his profit.

    Just saying its possible.

  8. yeah yeah I know dude, I completely get that.. but still this dude has been
    my dude for a while now. this is the first time i'ma just dry it out a day or two
  9. Yea i feel ya then it is most likely just a very fresh 'batch'. Is it like, moist or really like wet?

  10. moist, but moist enough that when I was smoking my bowl I was like.. wtf
  11. its fresh..

  12. K then a thing that you can do if you live in a state that is currently receiving good weather you can try and dry it out for a very small amount of time in the sun but not too long as it will go bad quickly.

    But if it is not that nice out you can just set your bud out on top of some paper for a few hours but check it every 30-45 minutes to make sure that it doesnt get too dry and do this until it is less moist.

  13. fuck it dude i'll just leave it in a jar for a couple days it'll be good :cool:

  14. K, just make sure that it doesn't mold in the jar man.
  15. Give a call to your dealer and ask him whats up and why he dealt you uncured bud with added water weight. Just to let you know however, it will get you just as high but the curing will add more flavor to the bud.

  16. :metal: I second everything they said :)
  17. Sounds to me like you got yourself some uncured bud there. Have had many similiar experiences since I have moved to my current location. People enjoy selling it because it makes it a lot heavier than when its fully cured.

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