I live in western new york and i so i procrastinated with the growing and shit, but i have someone that will sell me a plant, but im just wondering if its too late for me to start from seeds?
well i went to the dudes house today and he fucked all the plants up and the plants he was planning on selling are only like a foot tall would i even get a good amount out of that if i bought it for 50 and the strain is called 'mindboggle' or is it too late for that to even grow too?
if u put it outside now depending on what light cycle he had it on, it MAY start preflowering in about a week. u may have to harvest a little early do to frost tho. but having to harvest reefer a little early is better then no reefer at all. as for it only being a foot if it's healthy u mite get a quarter outta it so don't pay to much or it!
if u had the patience and space in ur crib u could keep that plant alive in ur house from now till like next June and if u had an awesome spot outside and did't tell any of ur boys about it u could have close to two pounds next year! like I said it would take a lotta time and patience on ur part but next year it would be all worth it!!!!