Westboro Baptists... wtf

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by The Botanist, Oct 7, 2010.

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  1. Westboro Baptist Church to Defend Military Funeral Protests Before High Court - FoxNews.com


    Extremism in America - Westboro Baptist Church: About WBC

    I can't believe this is legal.

  2. These so called Christians are an abomination to the American people. Please someone put them in Iraq and let them shoot at them for target practice and see how much God wants THEM dead. check out their site www.godhatesfags.com (thats the real link)
  3. They're working pretty hard to get the first amendment amended aren't they ;)

    Will be interesting to see how it all turns out after the supreme court makes thier ruling.
  4. Fuck those fuckers. They were protesting at my JCC this summer. Way to mildy inconvenience 20 or so Jews before they worked out before dispersing because of a drizzle.

    They fucking protested the Virginia Tech shootings victims funerals and now military funerals. If they keep protesting military funerals, someone in attendance is going to get pushed over the edge and start shooting them, and not a damn person will feel bad about.
  5. Every proselytizing religion has its fanatics.
  6. along with the beautiful rights of free speech and freedom of religon.... there are always groups of these nuts that arise in the world.... the good thing is its really like 1 or 2 of these people for every 10 milllion rational human beings
  7. It's hard for me to accept they may be religious.

    From the character of their behavior, the most likely motive is money. They want someone to hit them so they can turn around and sue that person. I'd bet on it.
  8. This is what I like to think of as religion being used as an excuse for hatred.

    Edit: To the above post...I dont think that lady is smart enough to think ahead like that where as to bait someone into a lawsuit.
  9. The court wants to side with the father of the dead Marine. They just can't bring themselves to. It has been a lively discussion. I think they are sending it back for re-trial.
  10. This is exactly the idea. The family that runs this group has a bunch of lawyers.
  11. A broke ass 50 person church in backwater Florida.......5 million already awarded to them.......lawyers in front of the Supreme Court. This has money written all over it.
  12. I think we should deport all the picketing scum to mexico.
    When they get kidnapped, raped and murdered they might start appreciating our soldiers for defending this country. That is, if they're still alive.

    I think there must be someone more educated leading this. I just can't see that redneck looking ahead for a lawsuit.
    It is smart though, i'd be very tempted to give each of them a lick with a baseball bat.
  13. [​IMG]

    it's good to see that the reaction appears to be mockery rather than outrage.

    that, i think, is the proper response from a philosophical point of view.
  14. Being a devout Christian I look at the Westboro Baptist congregation as being blasphemous. They should be ashamed of themselves.:cool:
  15. god hates?

    god is infinite love, god is aware of hate, god doesnt hate though
  16. + god doesnt judge, you make judgements yourself, you make choices
  17. That shits really fucked up. Who in their right mind, regardless of political or religious views, would attend a military funeral with signs that say "thank god for dead soldiers" or "thank god for IEDs"?? Sick fucks. We discussed this in my law class and it blew my mind.
  18. i hope they come near my town so i can hold this sign up


    i will also be ass naked while holding the sign :cool:
  19. #19 GreenGrowGringo, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    I saw the coolest tattoo of jesus on a T-Rex. It fucking rocked! I can't remember where I saw it. It was like the Buddy Jesus on the T-Rex giving the thumbs up and the words FUCK YEAH! underneath.
  20. [​IMG]

    Close enough? lol.
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