We're All Soldiers

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by The Botanist, May 5, 2011.

  1. There is only Buddha. And buddha has no name, so he takes up all names

  2. I was wondering, in war, it is a crime to disguise yourself as the enemy or an ally of the enemy?
    I just haven't heard any instances of this..

  3. No man.

    It's allowed.

    There are many instances like this.

    For example,

    There was a case, when a certain 'hero' was on a run, he disguised himself by wearing enemy soldier's uniform to get through the check points.
  4. I would...fuck...I just wants to survive :D
  5. War is all about decieving the enemy...

    Pretend to strike left, and then attack the right...

    Appear to be wounded, when you are at full health.

    Appear to be strong, when you are weak.

    So on and so forth...
  6. Life's like a big game of pretend :D
  7. So theoretically, you could disguise your whole army as several other nations.
    I mean, of course this wouldn't last long because the enemy could radio each other's positions.

    I guess you could use this time to attempt to decrypt their transmissions.
    Damn i'm a genius.

  8. Sun Tzu was the master of war because he was a master of deception.

    He could make the enemy think in anyway he wanted with his brilliant tactics and strategy.

    He won countless battles, not by the might of his army, but with comprehensive intellegence he gathered by deploying well trained spies, and by cunning strategies that fooled even his own generals.


    After the war was over, he finally realized...

    That everything was useless.

    It's a true story.

    I read his biography, and it says in his later years, he didn't want to have anything to do with wars or the art of war.. he retreated to a village in a remote mountains and never came out to the world again...
  9. Yeah, but it's hard to find such stupid enemy, you know...
  10. #30 The Botanist, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
    Al-Qaeda. The French.

    Not too hard.

    Did he say why everything was useless?
    Like, was it China politically or did he experience some form of enlightenment?
  11. You have committed the first mistake.

    Never underestimate your enemy...


    If it is true that they are indeed stupid, then you shouldn't even be fighting them. You should figure out a way to defeat them without fighting.

    But if you can't figure it out, then you are as stupid as your enemy.

    Or, in a better tone, you are as smart as your enemy.

    The enemy who you deem as being stupid, which makes YOU stupid as well...


    Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick by indirectly calling you stupid, but I'm just ... playing the war game... it's so fun...
  12. Oh snap! I have failed you Sun Tzu...

    Well how would you solve the problem of your enemy disguised as your allies?
  13. Sun Tzu, despite being the general who probably killed the most soldiers in history of ancient China, wasn't a 'blood thirsty' kind of guy.

    He was actually a very peaceful man.

    The reason why he studied and wrote the 'Art of War' was because he wanted to END THE WARS.

    He thought if he could be the BEST in war game, then he could win every war and bring an end to the war itself.

    Are you interested in hearing more, or am I just wasting my time?
  14. Sounds like a very interesting man! ;)
  15. I'm pretty interested. It's just, isn't it in human nature to fight?
    There will always be disagreements...
  16. Why must "disagreement" = fighting?
  17. #37 The Botanist, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
    Weak people solve their problems by violence.
    I believe there are more weak people than strong.

    Edit: If any of you are interested, there's a game called "R.U.S.E." for xbox, pc, and ps3.
    It's a WWII strategy game. It emphasizes deception and is probably the best RTS game i've played.
  18. You are thinking exactly like our master.

    He thought the same too.

    He also thought that it was our nature to fight.

    When the survival is in jeoparty, man will fight.


    It doesn't mean we have to fight in a war...

    There are other ways to settle disputes, without having to go through wars...

    There were diplomatic approaches... and other methods, such as espionage... assasination... sabotage... tributes or even, marriage.

    War was the LAST thing a nation would do, in order to settle dispute with its neighboring nations.

    Because war has heavy burdon on the economy, and the lives of the people, a nation had to think very carefully, if it was going to have one.

    And if you were going to go on a war, you MUST win it, for losing meant death.

    How's my audience doing so far...?

    Any questions?
  19. I honestly don't think a nation without an army is realistic without a protector (US + Canada). I mean Canada has an army but it's quite weak compared to the US and most EU nations.

    I think almost all nations would be too paranoid to be without at least a defending force.
  20. Man... I always wanted to be a Marine.

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