Wellbutrin XL

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by NWofficial, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. do people take these for recreation? what kind of effects does it have if used as recreation? anything easily comparable?
  2. #2 itspimpinpimpin, Feb 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2009
    AD's are NOT recreational. a friend of mine snorted one of mine that i was perscribed...he has a seizure and died. DONT POP THEM.

    EDIT: and especially dont snort them...yeah.

    they lower seizure threshhold dramatically. it can kill you.
  3. what does AD stand for

  4. Means it kills you dont fucking take it
  5. Wellbutrin or any anti-depressant ARE NOT recreational drugs, common sense. Plus all that taking one lone pill is going to do is probably nothing, or give you a mood swing, but most likely no "fun" or enjoyable effects. Wellbutrin has brought me side effects such as headaches stomachaches huge loss of appetite with weight loss trouble concentrating insomnia anger but overall it dulled me out over the year(s) so I guess that was the goal. Luckily all of these shitty side effects are well covered by weed :) part of the reason I started smoking in the first place.

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