
Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by number66`, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. suddenly 2 days ago i wiped my ass after taking a shit to find i had a lump and it hurt when i wiped. now this was wierd to me since it was the first time i had to inspect my asshole because of something wierd going on there. now i looked up my symptoms and its either hemeroids or a tumor or someshit but most likely hemeroids. i'll admit, if it didnt hurt when i wiped i would of shit my pants when i felt that lump. now i made an appointment with my doctors office and they only have 2 women available. which sucks balls. because i wanted a male doctor its like how chicks only want a chick gyno unless its a hot guy but in this case i want a male doctor or an old lady doctor lol now i need to work up the balls for my appointment tomorrow morning for some chick to check out my ass. fuck. im only used to male doctors but now theres only female doctors available wtf. any advice? xD

    first time getting my ass checked out im only 20 no experience with my ass getting examined and first time being seen by a female doctor had to let my thoughts out somewhere. need advice on what to do beforehand or something?
  2. ... ... ...
  3. make sure its thoroughly cleaned, smelling as good as possible, and thats about it..

    it'll take a few seconds and i can bet there wont be much being said, just gotta suck it up.

    as for hemroids ive had them before, you just need to put some cream on em and take it easy and they'll go away

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