Hello GC was just wondering if boiling well water then blowing air bubbles in it after 24 hours will have any negative affect to water your plants? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Short answer is no problem. the question is why? http://www.growingmarijuana.com/oxygen-for-plant-growth.php Do not expect the aerated water to retain much oxygen that can be effectively transferred. better to focus on the root zone and soil. Boiling it takes out your bacteria and microbes and makes it potable water. There is no difference in plant growth between boiled water and regular tap water (open for 4-24 hours to let cleansing chemicals evaporate). Some of the microbes in water are good for your plant. understand that when you boil water. Be aware of microbial requirements of the plant and how your soil also makes them before your plant uses them. Do a search here and I think some of the hydro and irganic guys go into much more detail. Aeration as you know increases the oxygen levels. is this overkill? A plant can only absorb so much and really is searching for more CO2 than extra ocygen. Your roots just need to have a soil that does not compact them.