Well....that was interesting.

Discussion in 'General' started by flower_child, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Maybe I should have put this in real life stories, but I'm not sure.

    I was just driving to the gas station down the road do get something to drink. As you drive down the road, you come to an itersection that has a little turn out of one of the roads to get to the one I was on quicker.

    I'm a little too high to describe it I guess. But anyway, there's this truck that turned off onto the little curve out of one of the roads, and as I pass by it, I see an ass hanging under the door, and liquid running out of it. As I turn, I look and see that it's a lady standing there taking a piss. She's standing facing two cars that are also on the intersection. They're stopped waiting for me to turn, so they're probably looking right at her like :eek:
    She didn't seem too embarassed.

    Anyway, it was an interesting stoned incident.
  2. I've seen so many crazy things on the road when I was high...but I guess they would happen just the same even if I wasn't stoned. Mary Jane just gives your brain that extra edge that puts a question mark at the end of everything.
  3. Maybe so...but I've had so many.....ususual things happen to me when I'm high, that it's brought me to the theory that there's some connection between getting high and having unusual things happen.
  4. when i worked dorm security, i had taken someone's 6 am shift on like a saturday or sunday for extra cash and extra hours, so needless to say i was deprived of about 5 hr's worth of sleep (having gotten two or three only) and was still drunk and/or hungover as shit...

    so i'm walking down an alleyway in richmond, va and it's about 5:35 AM on a weekend morning...and i see this van stopped right before a street, and its running, headlights on, drivers' side door open and i keep walking past it and as i get about the driver's side door, a middle-aged african american woman comes around the front/passenger's side, pulling her panties and sweatpants up having just finished her morning piss and/or dump. she was talking to herself kind of mumbling, very incoherently, and didn't seem to notice me a bit.

    once i realized what was going on, i just looked straight ahead and kept doing so until i was at work.

    weird shit happens man. it does it does.

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