Well, it has finally come to this

Discussion in 'General' started by TokinBlue, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. well, it has finally happened. my parents are getting divorced. Some of you might remember this thread:http://forum.grasscity.com/showthread.php?p=758329#post758329

    Apparently, my dad has cheated in the past and my mom found out and gave him another chance and he promised he would try to stick it out

    well he has been talking to this girl, apparantly ALOT more now and not even really caring and my mom was talking to me about it. She is saying that this house and stuff will be gone because neither of them can afford it by themselves. I basically agreed with her that she shouldnt give him a 3rd chance(i didnt directly say it because it isnt my decision, but yeah)

    She was saying how basically everything he does he has fucked up and a bunch of stuff. It was a pretty interesting conversation. I am kinda still angry with him that he would do that to her, but i feel pretty numb to the situation. I am basically indifferent to the whole thing. I should be pissed or sad or something, but i just really dont care. Only thing that disturbs me is my dad basically pays for everything as he makes a ton more money than her and her quality of living will go down. Although not being with him should make her more happy...

    I can imagine some of you will give me shit saying "blah blah we dont care about your problems. you still live at home, you dont matter" well if you have to say that, FUCK off, i didnt ask you to come to my thread

    i just needed to write down some of my thoughts and maybe hear some other stories about it, that is all
  2. blah blah we don't care about your problems...

    oh wait, nvm... I understand you completely. I went through something very similar... so I feel you. It wasn't cheating, but my world was turned upside down. And I felt completely numb to the situation. Infact, it's now three years later, and I am still numb to the situation. I havn't felt a single bit of emotion towards this situation.

    Good luck man, we're all here if you need help with anything. I know exactly where your'e coming from with the emotions and all :-/
  3. sucks man, my parents are divorced also. but honestly its for the best most of the time. sometimes people just arent happy with eachother and it sucks it has to come to that but there will be alot less fighting and hopefully they can be a lil more civil with eachother. hope it works out for ya man
  4. all i know is with my parents divoced witha similar aspect... and my own with my ex GF...... is that i wis my friends would oftold me sooner. which wouldnt of lead me on to believe what wasnt there. yea, its family, YOUR FUCKING FAMILY, but even though your dad pays alot of bills (like mine) it is messed. MONEY CONTROLS THIS WORLD. NO-ONE LIE ABOUT THAT. now do u want safety of security? if i knew what was going on if confront and give a warning. if it kept going on id bring it up at dinner and make deal because im part of WHAT THEY MADE. there really aint a god damned thing u can do but accept that u didint do it and it not your fault.

    remember: everything in this word we live on, happens for a REASON.

    my parents are happier, ill learn to be happier. so will you. smoke/drink and cure it until someones happy if you have to BUT; DONT LET IT INTERFER WITH YOU JOB/FRIENDS. friends will always be there for you.

    man, it sucks to be you but im sorry.
  5. sucks man. i don't know what you're going through, but then again, I don't know my dad.
  6. Yep, I went through the same in 4th grade. Didn't really effect me that much. I was happy for it. All my parents ever did was fight anyway. Atleast I finally got some peace and quiet. And more presents! Its awesome when parents try to buy your love.

    Oh well, but I feel ya, TB. Sorry this has to happen to you. Hope everything goes well for you. :D
  7. i officially move out wednesday, so for the most part, i am not sure if this will even effect me at all...
  8. My parents are split up too.

    It's a really hard thing and as cliche as you sound, you just can't fathom the experience untill you go through it.

    If you need to talk, you know how to reach me, coach.
  9. my parents split up too. that was when i was in the third grade. when my mom held a knife to my dads throat and shit like that, my dad got custody. damn they would fight every fuckin night. happy they got divorced cuz now i dont have to deal with as much authority

    since it seems like you actually like your parents doesnt seem like yo uare too happy. sorry.
  10. I completely understand what you're going through. I can vividly remember my parent's divorce when I was fourteen, and the range of emotions I felt from stark indifference to utter despair. The hardest thing about it is that they're your parents, the people you look to for support and guidance; the people that brought you into the world and nurtured you from infancy to now. The trusted bonds that are forged between parents and children are powerful ones. And the fact that their lives are coming apart can't be reassuring to you even if your mother is ultimately going to be happier as a result. Our parents are our foundation and when they crack, so do we.

    When my parents separated it was a similar scenario to yours with the notable exception that my mother never had a job except taking care of her kids--the most important job in the world by the way. So when my father moved out our standard of living went from comfortable to just barely getting by. He paid child support for us but it didn't replace what we had previously. That left my mother in quite a bind because she wanted to raise her children the same so she made it work even with less money. (God bless all stay at home mothers.)

    I could be bitter towards my father, or even my mother for the divorce, but at the end of the experience I'd gained a completely new perspective into their identities. I didn't fully understand it then, but later as I grew older I realized that when my parents divorced they became human. The lofty perch that I'd placed them on was nothing more than a role they were fulfilling until I matured enough to live on my own. Sometimes many years go by before children see this in their parents and sometimes it happens a lot sooner than we'd like but eventually it will happen.

    We all fail and make mistakes. If this is the end for your folks then hopefully you can embrace their humanity and understand that their failings have nothing to do with you. Just keep talking about how you feel, and try not to bury your emotions because burying them merely delays processing it doesn't stop it. I hope this helps bro.

    Peace and joy to you TokinBlue.

    Stay green.
  11. my parents got divorced about 3-4 years ago. and it affected me in the sense where i decided that drugs were going to be a big part of my life. and yea they are. but not hard drugs anymore. ya thats when i used to tweak alot. so it fucked with me alot but in the end i came out a better person. well i realized my mom was a lying slut and didnt deserve old pops. and i learned that you always gotta question your woman. even if she seems legit, which my mom did. you just never know. always let your woman(if your serious) konw that u dont appreciate bein fucked with. and you can never really trust peopl, thats another valuable lesson i got out of it. dont trust anyone, dont trust authority even more, dont trust the government even more, and definfuckinly dont ever trust a mother fuckin cop, hes not on your goddamn side. ok im rambling, haha imma go get a 211 from dah fridge. peace man, i hope everything works out. and it will because thats the way life is, if you want it enough.
  12. I'm going through something very similar right now. my mom was served divorce papers 2 days ago. They'd been fighting for about a year, but the past 4-6 months were when they really started fighting. My dad's been on the couch for like 6 months, and they barely speak. My mom doesnt work, but my dad makes a VERY large amount of money (financial advisor), so she's gonna have to get a job, and her quality of living may go down, as is the case with your mom, but i know that she'll be much happier this way. My dad's really the one who wants this divorce, so basically my mom's been in bed the past few months. She wanted him out of the house, but he wouldnt leave until it was legal. He told me he'd probably be out of the house in a few weeks, and i think thats really gonna help my mom... the one thing i'm worried about is my sister. she's just 13, and never talks about any of her feelings or anything. I think my parents were looking for a therapist for her to talk to, but i have a feeling she's taking this a lot rougher than she appears to be.

    Good luck man. Since your moving out of the house, it should take some of the stress off, and just remember that this is for the best. I know thats how i'm getting through my parents divorce right now. I'd rather see them happy and seperate than miserable and together, and i hope you see it that way too.
  13. sorry to hear bro, you know where to find me if you just wanna talk homie.
  14. All I can really say, though I'm sure it doesn't help at all, is I'm sorry to hear about this man. I wish I could do more... :(

    If you need to talk, vent, whatever... I'm here for you and I'm sure the rest of our fellow blades are here for ya too. Shit happens and we all gotta deal, but sometimes it's easier to just let it all out to a neutral partie, ya know?

    Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
  15. sorry to hear that bro

    good you moved out tho
  16. My rents split up with my mom making $11/ hour and my dad making $45/h hour. Think about the qaulity of livin I was used to, to what it went to.

  17. I'm sorry to hear that, TokinBlue. My parents are divorced too, but they split up when I was only 6. I imagine it's vastly different when you're an adult.

    But I do know that even though my mom has to work her ass off to keep her house, she's much better off now.

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