Well it finally happened...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ibelifted, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Well if any of you remember my post about how my dad has been giving me and my brother shit about smoking and if you haven't read it and would like to here you go.


    Ok well after deciding what to do about the whole thing I thought I would just let things happen naturally. I kept out of his buisness and things seemed to be going good. But my brother had gotten a DUI in the middle of this whole thing, which really set everyone back in my family. So basically my mom,dad, and brother have been chipping in to pay for the charges,fines,etc... and now my dad has been saying hes going to stop helping my brother pay for his college courses. Lastnite was basically the climax of the ordeal my dad and brother started to arguee and my brother knew about my dad and him smoking so sense my dad always gets on his ass about smoking my brother did to him. He told him he knew what hes been doing and that he found all of his roaches, and my dad basically told my brother to fuck off and my mom knows and she doesnt mind sense my dad's 42 he's already "done everything he needs to do in life" as he said. So basically my brother and dad hate eachother now and probably are going to continue to fuck things up for my family and hopefully things get better because my dad has been starting to be an asshole to me and is starting to say hes going to kick me out and give no more support which would be bullshit sense im stil in highschool and a part time job, so I guess he doesn't care if his sons are living on the streets...
  2. just keep priorities straight,

    and your pops should cease the hate.
  3. General Blaze is right! Your Dad doesn't hate you or your brother, he's just upset and scared. Getting a DUI today isn't like getting one 15 years ago. It can really hurt your brother and some of the things he tries to do with his young life.

    If your brother was more responsible and didn't drink and drive none of this would be happening. Are you sure you want to place all the blame on your Dad? Your Dad is making your brother be responsible for his own mistake. I'm not saying you have to do the same thing or change your relationship with your brother. You just need to make sure you are more responsible. Don't put yourself in a position to get caught smoking weed (like by the po-po or a friend's parent). The more maturity and respect you show your Dad, the more he will come around...

    Not trying to be a bummer and I have nothing against your brother. It's tough living with parents sometimes, but you need to give respect before you get it.

    Good luck man. I hope everything gets better soon.

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