What do i need to know? Honestly how do i use it?? Any links to vids? Umm what batteries would you recommend to use as extras? Any advice just all around?
Anyone else. There are so many videos, i was wanting something specific. And there are so many threads on here that's its hard.
^^^^ Yup, what he said! http://forum.grasscity.com/vaporizers/691114-magic-flight-launch-box-appreciation-club.html Basically all you need to do is learn how long to hold the battery in before beginning a slow draw. I would gauge how fast to draw by the temp of the vapor against my tongue. There is a learning curve at the beginning but stick with it. It is really a good device.
^^^Yes, There is a learning curve, but I was lifted the first time I used it. I would say wait at least 5-10 seconds before inhaling slowly. Another indication of when to begin the draw is the window starts to fog up from the vapor accumulating.
Pretty much the bible of MFLB use, the Vaporpedia: http://www.vaporpedia.com/wiki/Magic-Flight_Launch_Box And magic-flight.com has some videos made by a customer - very good instructions on technique.