
Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by kadosh, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Row, Row, Row your boat.... gently down the stream.....

    .... merrily merrily merrily merrily... life, is but a dream.
  2. #22 esseff, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2013
    Sounds like it might be an interesting read!

    I've wondered about the moment someone commits suicide, and what might be their experience? Forget all the Christian nonsense about sin, as for the most part, someone actually doing this who isn't crying out for help and looking to be stopped, is in a place that only a compassionate response should come from it.

    But in that moment, as they stand on the bridge, and take that step into no turning back, I wonder if things change in a way that simply wasn't available to them a moment earlier. Perhaps they go through a kind of realisation on the way down, however long that takes, that what caused their action no longer seems important. After all, there's nothing to be done but accept the results of their step, and I'd like to think that a sense of peace takes over as they enter the transition. They might also, in what may actually be a long relative time falling, see things from a completely different perspective, review things and understand what was really going on to bring them to this point.

    No life is wasted, and choosing to end it consciously can have many advantages. Because I feel that consciousness is a never ending journey, ultimately, such a decision is not a final one in that sense. But regardless of whether they're aware of the body's physical impact or not (I doubt it very much), I get the feeling that they're already in another place long before they ever finish falling.
  3. I like Joe Rogan too, but what he has to say on bio-chemical things is about as credible as anything you or I would have to say on it. Don't waste too much energy on DMT, dreams, after-life etc.. based upon something you watched with Joe Rogan in it. Life is too short to be wasted that way. If you are truly interested in this topic/idea then do some serious research from highly credible sources.
  4. Or maybe life is part of a cycle and our lives offer a stepping stone for a conscious being to experience different realms of existence. Humans being the starting point are a very basic instruments created to collect data, images and info etc. As the body dies a consciousness moves through the brain/mind/body and creates a mind/dream. Because the subconscious mind is no longer required what was a consciousnesses returns to a basic state of conscious that will again evolve and manipulate the dream as it did humans as it searches different realms looking for a suitable host.:smoking:
  5. I think (i say think because its impossible to know for sure) that when we die, we lose consciousness. The end. No life after death. Just pure nothingness. Atheist approach. It's the only thing that seems logical to me. Someone told me that this view makes life pointless. Well duh! Life is a random happenstance. Just because there is no end reward or point doesn't make me want to end it all. Just makes life all the more worth living. If you only get 1 shot might as well make the most out of it. *shrug*

  6. 'im over here screamin YOLO'

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