Weird wavy leaves

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by ChoochZooze, Jun 11, 2023.

  1. I’ve noticed somethings up with one of my little plants. The leaves are curly and have strange brownish yellow spots. Is this a root issue? Is there anything I can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    Attached Files:

  2. I figured that it wasn’t Nute burn because the bottom leaves seem fine. Seems to be starting in the leaves that are higher up.
    Although I have no experience lol, as this is my first go round
  3. What piece of information made you think that?
  4. well first of all those things are stretching way too fast lower the light source or something very unhealthy spindly looking things use some perlite for drainage and fill the pots up to the top and lay off feeding just water for a while
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. are they clones just transplanted? how big were the roots? could be shock
  6. Throwing out random piles of advice, 50% of which is incorrect, is in no way going to help him.
  7. Wrong or right.

    At least he's attempting to help, I don't see you trying to post any advice.

    Instead of trying to knock down others trying to help, you could always give your own two cents maybe?

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Gathering information is crucial to troubleshooting.
    This is not putting someone down, merely stating a fact. Massive piles of information to sift through is a hinderance, thus "trying" to help in such a manner would be less beneficial to the OP compared to saying nothing.
  9. What medium are those plants in?
  10. Plant issues can vary in many different ways, sometimes that's all you can really do is throw out a few ideas that might be the issue.

    If you notice in most threads people asking for help with plant issues, most people answering don't know exactly what the problem is because it's so hard to determine, a lot of the time it's just a best guess. So many issues look similar and can be a multitude of different problems rather than just one single problem.

    You can throw a bunch of stuff out at least it lets the person look into it themselves and and start crossing things off the list. There's nobody on this forum that can take any issue a plant is having and give you a 100 percent definitive answer of what that issue is.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. I started them from seed about a month ago. The roots were fairly big, maybe I was a bit rough with them?
    If I were to give them more perlite(I’m pretty sure they could use it) how would I go about doing that? I could put them in a bigger pot with more perlite in the mix but that wouldn’t help the soil right around the plant. I usually try to transplant without touching the soil that’s already there more than I have to
  12. these were mine 25 days from seed i kept the light close to stop the stretching IMG_20230328_084208815.jpg

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