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weird thing!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by IamBored, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Sometimes when im hitting a bowl, after I inhale some air to keep the smoke in then blow it all out like empty my lungs, I don't feel the little feeling in your head when ur hitting a bowl, yet I do feel my high becomes stronger after a while..

    Anyone else? o_O
  2. i dont understand..youre not suppose to feel the feeling in my head when im hitting a bowl
  3. thats true....:smoke:

    but u got the point ;]
  4. You don't get a buzz right away like with tobacco, sometimes my high's will take 5 minutes to kick in, even with killer bud.
  5. that feeling in your was head probably lack of oxygen.

  6. this right here

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