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Weird strain. can anyone tell what it is?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by str8wick3d, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. looks like some sort of haze? super lemon haze maybe?

  2. Nah I've smoke super lemon haze and that's way too dark to be that.

    It is pretty weird looking though.

  3. Agreed! But hey smoke it and decide for yourself. If its good enough for ya then it don't matter what kind it is.
  4. the best kind, knowing the name ruins the surprise imo. :)
  5. maybe im super stoned, but it looks kinda like a pig, with its snout facing left.

    id smoke it :smoke:
  6. thats some super dupper banana crack haze
    how could you not tell
  7. looks like either the rare Thai Kush or Hindu Haze
  8. i'm guessing some sort of skunk diesel cross

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