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weird spot on my pickup (pic) advice?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by darkyetnotso, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. So i picked up a Q earlier today, and one of the buds has some weird discoloration on it... any ideas if this is mold?

    Its the only messed up bud in the bag i got, so if it is mold, does that mean it could spread to my whole stash?

    thanks for the advice

    Attached Files:

    • bud.JPG
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      469.4 KB
  2. What the hell:confused:

    I have no idea obviously after that line lol.
  3. I got no clue man, but mold does come in that color so...

    I guess if you want to be safe, take a scissor and cut those parts out.

    How does it feel when you smoke it?
  4. dont smoke that and cut it off. all you can do but dont let it with your other bud till you cut that off cause it may infect it.
  5. i dunno dude, get an annoying friend to smoke it and see what happens.
  6. haha, it looks too green, i've never seen mold like that so i'm not sure... It could be some sort of chemical.

  7. 5 chrctrs

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