Weird ScrOG ideas?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kemwer, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. #1 kemwer, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Hey guys,

    I've been reading up for a while (wanna try my first grow) and looked at a lot of different techniques. I'm gonna try to keep this from becoming a wall of ?s. If I ask something that has been answered before, please leave a link (I'm not opposed to reading).

    I'm not looking to grow a lot, but living in an apartment I'd like to grow enough to save some money without getting caught. The current cab I'm looking at has 2 compartments that are 13"x28"x16". One of them can be divided along the longest axis. I plan on using CFLs for the lighting and I'll probably stick to soil.

    I really like what I've been reading about LST and the ScrOG method, but it's listed as an "advanced" technique. Assuming that I'm a generally intelligent human, is it really going to be that difficult, or could I manage scrogging my first grow? If I run the long axis vertically I could get a nice 1'x1' screen but I don't want to limit myself so my friend and I got creative.

    Idea 1: Keep the long axis vertical but have a screen on one side vertically. Could this potentially keep the plant far enough to one side that I could run CFLs the entire height of the cab without burning anything?

    Idea 2: Scrog horizontally with the long axis horizontal. I don't have enough height this way (13") from what I've read. However, I was wondering if a plant could be trained to grow on a screen that is "at ground level". I would keep the plant in a pot on one side of the cab with a screen next to it that is 6-8" below the lights and train it down to the screen asap.

    To add another question (sorry), what about strains? I've been looking at AK48 because it seems sturdy and, from what I've heard, gives a more heady high which is what I'm looking for. I'm just gonna try a bag seed (the singular, I never find seeds in the pot I've been getting so I feel like it's a sign that I just did) for the first time, but I'd like to have a goal in mind. (I also looked at PPP but found conflicting info about it)
  2. Well growing in a smaller confined space, I think one should defiantly take a look at the pc growers:

    As far as scrog and lst, depending on the number of plants and the strain type you do will have some direction to which would be a little more appropriate.

    Marijuana is a phototropic plant, meaning it will grow towards (or some plants, away) from the lights. with that in mind, any position you put the plant it will change its growth pattern to grow towards the light. With any of the methods is to try to separate the foliage and get more light beaming down onto it. There are auxins on the top parts of the plant and when you take a lower limb and put it in position of the top and the top tied to the bottom, you are switching up those auxins, and changing the rate and how the plant will grow.

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