So me and my mate were having a conversation not even paying attention to the tv. Meanwhile my other mate tells us to shut up and listen to what is actually on tv. So we do and it takes awhile to catch on to what they are talking about. We then realise its about portable dildos that women can use anywhere, it then showed us like 50 year old women doing house work like vacuuming and cleaning with the biggest smiles of their face, pretty fuckin weird. anyone seen these before or heard of?
Actually yea. It was weird shit. I was just flipping through channels and came across that. They had some strange smiles on there face.
hahah yeah it was kinda fucked up cause one was like cooking dinner for little kids and she was just getting off in front of them
and marijuana's still illegal. man, what is the world coming too where we cant smoke weed but our mums and grandmas can get off with portable dildos while she's cookin us little kids dinner, and that's sanctioned by commercial television?? just more evidence that humanity's fucked, in more than just a literal sense, you know? people got their priorities twisted
I don't know if it's for the same thing or maybe that commercial didn't hit Canada yet but I did see something very similar on an infomercial a couple months ago. It was a vibrator that can be used by attaching it to the tip of their fingers. Then some old woman was saying shE uses it. I was like WTF
[ame=]YouTube - AMI STEP TVC[/ame] also this was on one afternoon just when all the kiddies were getting home
[ame=]YouTube - Trojan Vibrating Touch Commercial[/ame] 'Sup daytime vibrator commercials?
Thats the best part of it haha Now for something useful [ame=""]YouTube - Banned commercial - something really ingenious[/ame]