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Weird one blade leafs, WTF!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by glennwood55, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. #1 glennwood55, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
    I have one weird plant. It is real bushy. It does not have a main stem. It has many different stems and is branching out like crazy. It is a clone. I do not know what strain it is......... Anyone ever seen anything like this? Look at the size of the single leaf!!!!

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  2. watch this retarted plant grow some dank that will make you retarted for a few hours
  3. Looks like 3 blade leaves which is pretty normal for clones
  4. Happens when flowering plants are put back into veg, they'll go normal again eventually.
  5. Im subbed so I hope you keep this updated. Intrested is not the word :D
  6. Here is a pic of the stalk. There is a main stalk but there are many branches growing in an uneven manner. They are growing randomly starting at ground level.........

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  7. Looks cool dude. I want one B)
  8. It looks like a shrub instead of a weed plant.
  9. Its growing and is green so just hope it buds for ya B)
  10. I found out that the strain is Grand Daddy Purple.....:smoking:
  11. That plant is going to produce a shit ton of bud. All those bud sites are amazing. Great clone. How much did you pay for it?
  12. I hope they bud like crazy. I actually have two clones out of six that are doing the one leaf thing. Got them from a friend for free.............:D
  13. Cant go wrong with some free weed ;)

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