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Weird lingering effects, help!?!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by a very clever username, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Hey, so basically on Friday (June 23) I smoked some weed with my friends. This was only my second time, the first time being a pretty pleasant experience. Only, this time wasn't very pleasent at all. I got way too high and my parents were upstairs not having a clue what we were doing. I didn't have a full on panic attack but the whole experience was pretty much characterised by anxiety of getting caught and paranoia. after going to bed that night I woke up the next morning pretty glad that it was over and feeling normal.

    Once I got to my part time job at around 10;30 though, shit started to get weird. I suddenly felt like my body was numb and almost moving without me controlling it, and I was just viewing the world helplessly from my head. I passed it off as the thc still being in my system and just waited it out that day,
    Going to sleep pretty early.

    Then I woke up, and it was still happening. I read on some forums that it could be depersonalisation, which I though might be true , but decided just to wait it out again.

    I woke up this morning (Monday) and it was still there. I decided to tell my parents that I started smoking weed since I thought that was where my anxiety was coming from. They surprisingly took it really chill, basically saying they didn't care as long as I'm not abusing it and know where I get it from.

    The effects have gotten better, but are still noticeable. Since I'm not feeling at all anxious anymore I ruled out depersonalisation, so I'm just wondering why I'm still feeling this was and when it's gonna stop as it's becoming kind of irritating and is impeding on my motivation. It's been three/four days now and I'm still vaguely feeling numb and in a dazed, dream like state.
    Thanks for any help you can offer!
  2. Sounds like you just had a good cookie...

    Dont smoke so much?
  3. Yeah that's what I though but it's been four days, and it definetly wasn't laced because my friends don't feel anything anymore. We used a bong btw
  4. How old are you? That would help
  5. Turned 19 not so long ago
  6. Seems like it was too strong for you. There's 10,000 posts like this on here.
  7. Y
    yeah I just thought it was unusual the effects have stayed for so long. Do you think it's actually physical or just in my head?
  8. Personally you sound para. It's a stone-over off good weed.
  9. Yeah maybe, thanks bro, I'll just wait it out

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