So i have an issue: Hydro or Soil Soil Type of light? 250W HPS 15" away from tops on 12/12 "Atmosphere" Conditions around 30C (adding cooltube and squirrel fan today) ~50% humidity Waterings Tap water sits out 48 hours, every other day waterings, switching off nutes and plain water. Fox farm tiger bloom and big bloom on their schedule. PH Range Soil is about 7, started watering with about 6 to hopefully get to 6.5 Nutrients/Supplements Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom Design and Dates Cab Heres the leaf, it came from the lower section of 1 plant out of 8, they all have the same issue. Had a spidermite problem that has since been taken care of using Fox Farm's dont bug me and no pest strips, but this was looking like this before that. Flushed about 2 weeks ago and no help there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
ph problem? You gotta get it to 6.5 Look at this chart. See how fast shit gets whacked when you get away from 6.5?
Looks kinda weird because of the scan, but on the actual leaf thats just the spots from the old spider mite infestation that i had. Got rid of that about a week ago.
Alright, heres a couple more picks of one of the other plants. Is this still going along with ph problem possibly? First pic is with flash on, second without, just to see the correct coloring.
Any ideas? I fixed any heat problem so im fairly certain its not that. What does anyone think? Still ph?
If it is PH lockout then the old foliage will not get any better. It could take a few days for it to start taking up nutes again. Look at your new growth and let it tell you how she's doing.
All the new stuff is looking pretty good. Typical nice green color, some rolling (where the sides roll up) of the leaves though in maybe 2 spots out of all 8 plants. Not sure exactly what that means yet, but this seems like it might be working.
Still have the canoeing effect on some of the newer leaves, but mostly older leaves. The bigger fan leaves are gradually all starting to look like the pictures. Im almost wondering maybe magnesium def or potassium def? I do see sometimes after they soil begins to dry there is a white powdery substance on top of the soil (definitely doesnt look like any sort of mold) that may be salt. I have read that K gets locked out mostly because of salt build up. Im also seeing this on my newer clones (moved to veg about 2 weeks ago) where the lower leaves are doing this same thing. Think i may be on the right track? What does anyone think?
check out my journal , my leaves looked like that when i got it, then i used vf-11 , u can get it at frd meyers , rite-aid ect. I know its cheap but it even the ph and orked great for me, just a suggestion.!@!! Good !!!luck
Im mostly just trying to figure out what my actual problem is rather than add new nutrient cocktails, still not knowing why they fix the problem or dont. I started to add in foliar feeding into my schedule (half the amount that FF says to add for foliar feeding on big bloom and tiger bloom) and i have noticed that the yellowing has actually slowing dramatically after the first feeding. It is looking like its obviously a soil problem, but not sure what. Im thinking i still may have some sort of ph issue that i cant track down, but my nutes and water are both at 6.5 and my runoff is between 6.5 and 6.6. Still dont really get it. Ill keep fucking with it though until i track it down.
Its, Rust-Colored Spot Mold / Fungus. From, Over-fertilized plants. Lower your humidity, and No Foliage Spraying and they Should correct themselves, as long as you decrease there Nutrient intake.
would have to agree, it also looks like copper deficiency, heres a description.."(it may look like a over fertilization ( nitrogen) but look at the bottom of the leaves, notice how they are yellow and a bit of white, also some of the fan leave tips are brown and dying off.)"...check thi link in my sig about sick plants, its got lots of pics and good descriptions and solutions....but all this comes back the same thing, PH problem
Hey man. I'm sorry my opinion don't count here, But its called Common Sense. I know what I'm doing, Look into my Grow Journal,.. .. I promise ya, You will understand then, Why you need trust me with this one, as it is what it is. I stated that above. If it serves your plants best to not listen to that advice, .. well I would have to say, I feel sorry for your plants,
First of all, i take every possible solution posted here into consideration because i (obviously) dont know what wrong here. Second, not sure why you seem pissed when i havent even replied to your post yet. Third, your grow journal has 143 pages, where should i start for this issue? One thing that i have noticed in every single thread ive looked at, plus in the marijuana horticulture bible that i use, it says you can see under the leaves and notice spores or more mold or something along those lines. Under my leaves they look fine, just yellow like the top, except the rust/grey/black color spots arent on the bottom at all. You can see them through the bottom, but its only on the top. I have a 30x jeweller's loupe that i use to check the trichs on my other plants, and i see nothing. Trust me, i want to solve this problem.