weird germination question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by LeTiTgRow440, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. so i planted 5 seed in individual solo cups, 4 of the seeds were from a seed bank, the other 1 seed was some i had from a bag of smoke. i check them daily and when i checked yesterday i notice only one of the cups has sprouted, and then today i checked and noticed that the same cup that sprouted now has two sprouts (two plants). how is this possible, i only planted one seed per cup, its freaking weird!
  2. I can relate to this. I planted a seed in some soil and the seed sprouted fine. About a week into the grow a basil plant shot up out of nowhere next to the sprout... the only thing i can think of is the seed was in the soil I used and it didn't sprout because the soil was too dry.
  3. I think you have weed and a weed.
  4. nope, there a little taller today and its way obvious that there both chronic.
  5. mutant plants can sometimes do that.. they often times die but if you get it tender care then it could make it through. If it has decent genes you might want to think about breeding it back and grabbing seeds... That automatically gives you at the least two colas which is great for no trimming or clipping.... pics would be nice though!
  6. Must be the botanical equivalent of a double yolked egg, then.

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