It's weird I just started dating this girl and all of a sudden I regret it and don't want to be with her wtf..
say you lost your phone charger in a game of poker with the korean ganstas (of your city) and you no longer have a phone charger, and then slowly fade out into the background and then just fucking chill.... chill...
Just going to have to end as soon as possible i think. If you already don't want to be with her then end it, she thinks you like her and she says she "loves" you. Just end it for her sake, the longer you keep it going the harder it will be for both of you. ( her mostly) and thats not cool.
dude the exact same thing just happened to me. don't make the mistake I made and drag it out when you don't want her anymore. Man up and break up with her, it's going to be painful for her no matter when you do it. it's hard I know, emotions aren't always consistent. personally I want to find a girl who I am always really into... not a girl for which I have inconsistent feelings. (that's what she said)
das what i was thinking. then theres that one guy, that says outta nowwhere. "lets kills dese bitches"