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Weird bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Piller, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Has anyone gotten bud that's SUPER DENSE, has medium size stems, has crystals everywhere, and has very little to no smell but when it does smell it smells like reggies? Cause that's whati have right now and im so confused how dank smells like reggies?
  2. Yeah i've had some dank that doesn't smell very much at all and still got me blazed.
  3. cured incorrectly most likely, it gets that "musky' smell let it sit out in a paper bag or something if you picked up a large amount just to make sure it wont mold in the time to come or anything weird, if its just a small sack, fuck it lol smoke that shit
  4. Lol well i picked up a half so it's gonna last a while. Can i leave it in a airtight container instead, or must i do it your way?

  5. well if it still has moisture in it and you seal it up, open it every day, pour it all out, let it sit for a few seconds and then pour it all back in, so then the air inside will remain fresh and prevent molding, keep it away from contact with much sunlight too, mold loves that shit, id say your probably safe either way, but letting them sit out can remove some of that musky smell and deepen the weed smell and flavor
  6. Okay well if it will improve the smell and flavor i will definitely leave it in a bag over night! Question though, after i leave it in a bag overnight can i put it in the container? Also did you even say only overnight or should i do it longer? :smoke:
  7. i mean you could just leave it in the container and leave the container doesnt really matter a paper bag just does it the quickest... When i buy my oz's if they are still a bit on the sticky/wet side i just leave them in my mason jar, and leave it open at night until i feel like i dont need to bother will know when the time comes....
  8. Thanks brooooskiii :). Appreciate the help!

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