Weird ass coincidence haha

Discussion in 'General' started by Novek, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. So i havent spoken to this girl in 4 yrs. I have her on Msn but i never see her 4 yrs.

    Where im at now i have no cell sevice so i decided to go online to see whats good. Two second after i log on who contacts me?......chicq i havent spoken to in yrs.

    So as im talking to her online i look up at my tv and who do i see?...........same girl who i havent seen or spoken to in 4 yrs. HAHAH WEIRD
  2. Why was she on tv?
  3. I hope OP was watching porn.
  4. oh, her sister was charged for stuffing her newborn babies in freezers and leaving them for dead. She did this 2times in 2 years. Charges were dropped.

    and my friend(her sister) was at the courthouse for support.

  5. haha, i kknow a few porn stars who i wouldnt mind having on msn
  6. wow, umm... interesting situation
  7. Greatest headline ever.
  8. fuck her, no reguard for human life
  9. What the fucking fuck...Dude...You gotta watch who you add on your shit is crazy...
  10. you probly don't want to be talking to her
  11. ...:eek:
  12. Fuck. Her sister is fucking evil.
  13. She left one of the baby corpses on her apartment balcony. You know, I don't have any experience hiding baby bodies (I swear), but I think I could come up with a better place than...the fucking balcony.

    Some people just have no common sense. :rolleyes:
  14. OP's gonna end up in a freezer.
  15. How could you even think of stuffing human life into a freezer?
    fucking crackhoe slut lol
  16. Someone call up Rick James to slap that bitch.

  17. [​IMG]

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