Weight loss

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by PositiveAttitudeMachine, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Sorry if this has been asked before, my search is not working... Can marijuana aid in weight loss? Thc is fat soluble so it seems possible but does anyone know for sure?
  2. Well i heard you burn a few calories from smoking weed..but it wont really help if you get the munchies like i do. Thats what kills my diet.
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  3. haha yea I was gonna say..if u smoke an go straight to sleep itll prob do a little good but if ur like me ull get the munchies then again theres always healthy stuff to snack on but wheres the fun in that =]
  4. I don't know if I have ever heard of it being used for weight loss..........in fact, quite the opposite.....alot of cancer patients and what not use it to aid in food consumption.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. You are 100% right. This is not good nor for your health neither for weight loss. If you really want to lose weight it's better to ask professionals: a psychologist if you have some eating disorders, you can find a good one by reading the reviews on the dr.mental site, or dietologist for making your meal plan.
  6. While there is some evidence that smoking and using cannabis may affect a person’s weight, there is not enough research to establish a definitive conclusion.But it is known that it, for example, speeds up metabolism, which is also important for weight loss
  7. I am trying to lose fat.
  8. Reported for spam.
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  9. Lol reported for advertising/sales.
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  10. Sure doesn't with me...shit makes me eat past dinner, my biggest problem...if I could eliminate the munchies one of these years that would be nice.
  11. many people eat out of boredom.
    pot makes most people incredibly boring.

    get high with intent...!
    i have a BMI of 23.5.
  12. I do not think there is anything that will help you lose weight in any way.I do not recommend.Consult your doctor.
  13. A
    Agree with this. It is better to consult a professional especially if you are taking health maintenance or have some eating disorders. Taking MJ is better off when properly consulted rather than taking it because some said so.

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