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weighing bud HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by automaticlover, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. sooo i buy like qtrs half ozs etc the problem is i only own a pocket im wondering if i should weigh the buds separately (since they cant fit all at once) or what i should do. bc once i weighed them separately then i threw them in a bag and weighed it and i know the bag weighs a couple points but the weight of the bud + bag was actually a little lower than what i had counted up from weighing the bud separately. idk if im a dumbass or what but someone should help me out =]

  2. Your post was a little confusing. But what it sounds like you need to do is either divide it into two parts, and weigh them separately... or purchase a scale that can hold more weight.
  3. Whats the max weight on your scale?

    Buy a small plastic jar (not glass, it weighs alot more) and use that to put your bud in during weighing it. You could always put the bud somewhere else, put the bag on the scale and 0 it, then refill it and see the weight.

    Whatever works. I have a scale the size of a credit card that I've weighed O's on in one shot.
  4. Solo cup + tare my friend ;)
  5. i have a pocket scale too use a solo cup like the ones u drink beer in haha and put it on the scale then click tare so it sets it back to 0.00 then put the nug in the cup viola!
  6. thanks everyone you were all very helpful :smoke:

  7. ^yes indeedy

  8. this haha

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