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Week old clone

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by D_10, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. I bought this clone a week ago, 2/27. I'm growing in a space bucket. I'm using FFOF. I've only watered 3 times so far with only ph'd water. The first 2 times I watered i kind of just dumped the water all over the plant. I made a much better watering system( I'll try to post a video). I'm getting what looks like nute burn, but I've only used ph'd water. I've also noticed a couple gnats flying around yesterday. I tested the ph in the run off water with a test strip, and it seems a lot lower than the ph level I'm watering with. Any suggestions?[​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. Gnats bad...
    1. Sprinkle mosquito bits around plant on top of soil. Some diatomaceous earth won't hurt either.
    2. When you get the bits pick up some yellow sticky sheets and hang around the plants, but don't let them touch the leaves!
    3. Let soil dry out...a bit extra even.
    4. Get some hydroguard.
    5. Water as normal but add hydroguard to water.

    The bits will release a bacteria that attacks the gnat larvae. The hydroguard will release a bacteria that eats and fights root fungus. The sticky sheets will catch the adults.
    You'll start seeing results in a few days.

    You'll keep losing leaves for awhile as the roots heal. Just yank em as they die. Root fungus causes lockout sadly.
    Good luck!

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
  3. Would that also explain the discoloration of the leaves? Do you think when I dumped water on the plant twice that it caused some burn?

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  4. Burn maybe, but root issues cause nute lockout..Badly.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
  5. P.s. Had this happen once with a clone and once with seeds (infested soil). Now I start with this treatment/setup every time. Hasn't happened since. This also means you're over watering some so careful with that.
    Folks will say not to use a moisture meter, but I use mine religiously.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  6. Does anyone know how much mosquito bits to use?

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  7. How low is low for the ph? I got a couple clones on 2-21, put them in FFOF and after a week they didn't look so good. I tested runoff ph and it was around 4. I flushed them with ph'd water and they recovered pretty quick.
  8. And if you do decide to flush it, I wouldn't water again for 4 or 5 days.
  9. I use a tablespoon when planting and do another when I go to flower. Just sprinkle/spread across top of soil. That was for 3 gal pots.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  10. i would suggest using tan lin extract for the gnats thats the only thing that helped me get rid of it

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