Week 3 of Flower

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MAgrowing96, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. Just a quick update on my plants. I switched these two white widow plants to flower exactly 3 weeks ago. How do they look? Should I defoliate now that the stretch is mostly done? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm using the fox farm baseline with mammoth P and terminator for nutes [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  2. its completely up to you if you want to defoliate your plants ive seen many growers get fantastic results from doing this ....but theres still a lot of people who say No dont do it ,,, but i say why not do it but most do it before plants are flowering in case it stresses the plants ,,,,,plants look ok ..mac..
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  3. Thanks for the response, I defoliated quite a bit before flipping them to 12/12 but they have gotten quite bushy again after stretching. I see allot of people online trim some of the fan leaves around week 3 or 4 of Flower to get more light on the lower buds and to create better air flow.
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  4. ive some growers strip most the fan leaves off and get great results ,yours look just fine mate,,mac
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  5. The fan leaves are the solar panels that fuel. Bud growth. You remove to many of them for no reason it will reduce your yield. Now is a good time for a final lollipop, remove what don't make the top.

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