Hi stoners and friends, I have been going back and forth with this the last weeks, and i think i have decided to get the Weedstar bubbler Instead of the Dude bong Mostly because of my living situation, and i need a smaller piece right now. I guess it's probably better to buy an allright bubbler than a cheap bong, or? I havent owned a bubbler or bong myself, and i have never tried to smoke from a bubbler. Am i making the right choice, guys?
I payed 17 Euro's for that Weedstar bub in a headshop in Hamburg, but it is almost nice enough to be worth the ridiculous GC price. They're two very different items though. I like the little bub for when I'm on the move but it could never replace my 250ml Ehle. It all depends on personal preference & wishes I'd say, you yourself should now best what works for your needs. I wouldn't go for that dudebong though, there are better options for that kind of money if you want a bong. I'd look at Ehle if you're in EU or at RX-industries or SSFG if you're in the US for a quality but affordable bong or beaker. Diffused downstems are a must ime. Good luck.
Oh shit, the price is almost the double on grasscity. Want to send one in the mail? Haha... Nah but i'm going to invest in a good bong, but right now my living situation is kind of weird so i need a smaller piece i can hide easily! Too bad i live in Scandinavia, the prices for glass pipes here are insane. I wish i lived in Germany or something I looked at the grav labs showerhead bubbler, but it was kind of pricey
I like the grav labs too. I was in Germany on holiday at the time, so I can't pick up any more of these unfortunately. But if you look online through German webshops you'll find a better price, or something else you like perhaps. I had a look for you at the shops I know, but they're all out of stock atm. Nice glass is expensive everywhere though, just make sure that what you get is worth it.
The Weed Star Double Bubbler Showerhead might be a nice option? I'm unsure if it exceeds your budget however.
lol, a post like that & it's the even 'liked' twice. Is everyone 16 years old around here or what? At least tell us why you think the dudebong is such a piece of shit, it's nothing but an empty post right now. I was thinking about suggesting the OP that double bubbler bong as well Ralkyon, Black Leaf has some nice options in that price range as well btw. Oh, and also have a look at the Mentalist range from Weedstar perhaps.
A bong will get you higher than a bubbler and will smoke smoother and cooler, especially if you add ice. In addition, if you get a bong with a standard size female receptacle, you can add various perks, ash catchers, etc, to the bong to make it even nicer. A bubbler is really a different piece. Bubblers will usually not offer as cool or smooth a smoke but are fine when a larger piece, like a bubbler, will not work. The only thing I would question about Weed Star bubbler is - how does it sit on a table? It looks like it would not stand up on it's own. IMHO bubbler that you have to lay on their sides are useless without a stand. Why bother? Get something that you can sit down with the water in it. The Weed Star Double Bubble seems to get good reviews. Using Google I seem to find it for just under 50€ which, if my figurin' is right, would be just under $62.
I wanted a bong at first, but after reading the contract for the new apartment i realized that i need a smaller piece that i can hide easy since i will live in a hotel apartment thing where my apartment probably will cleaned once a week and looked up once a day. Could you hook me up with the link to the The Weed Star Double Bubble to 50 euro?
Its a piece of shit for several reasons. It has a carb, it has a single hole downstem, it has a horrible included slide with a hole that can fit a .2 nug through it... you will need to use a metal screen to use the bowl, it includes an acrylic grinder that will probably get clogged if you try to grind a .5 nug of sticky weed... Its the most basic thing you can get, if you want that its not a piece of shit though... Also it looks to be a horrible quality sweat shop bong with 3mm glass... but i would go for a Glass on GLass bubbler if you want one of them. I hate having the bowl on the piece....
What kind of bubbler would you recommend? after thinking about it i think i could use about 80 dollars, because it will probably be around $20 for shipping, and i don't want to spend more than 100 bucks
Okay, thanks for all the help! I'm now down to these bubblers- Jet-Flash Smoke System (Is this just a cheap version of the helix?) Weed Star - Glass Bubbler Handpipe - Circ Perc Grav Labs - Basic Bubbler Glass Hand Pipe - 45mm (Showerhead) Weedstar Double Bubble Bong 3.0
RX Industries 14" 44mm Straight Tube USA I bought this one a year or so ago, awesome daily driver. Diffused downstem plus ice pinch, so worth $90 or so shipped.
No problem, I absolutely love my bong, I keep it right next to my computer for daily use, never fails. I've even dropped the downstem onto concrete from waist height accidentally, and it only got a tiny crack.