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Weed's Effect on BP + Pulse

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Contristo, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. ever since I got rid of a bacterial infection last week, my bp keeps fluxing from 125/80 (in morning) to 170/100 (after I come back from commuting to class). also, whenever i leave the house my pulse is 75, but when i come back 7-8 hours later after class it remains at a resting rate of 125 for about 3 hours. really odd. miraculously, when i smoke some weed and it goes back down to the early 80s. i thought weed was supposed to make your pulse higher so that's odd, isn't it? my bp seems to come down when i smoke as well, but i guess that's just more of a mental thing in my mind letting go of stressful things temporarily. this is all through a vape... i imagine smoking a ridiculous amount of bowls would do the opposite.

    anyone have any interesting stories that are similar? BP issues are recent for me -- I'm an in-shape 21-year-old but high BP runs in my family. it's new to me, but one of the things that's clear so far is that weed either doesn't affect it at all or actually IMPROVES my high BP and pulse. been seeing a doctor, but he has yet to find meds that actually work. hopefully can find some soon. but here's to weed for at least providing some temporary relief!
  2. it's your diet, your stress, bad food, tons of things

    Cannabis is medicine, And one thing, if you're mentally weak or just not strong minded then i would suggest you stay away from it then

    It's not for everyone

    Scientific facts of benefits, Go get some help for anxiety before smoking man

  3. I don't think you understand... I've been smoking for 7 years. I run 15 miles/week, have a low-sodium and low saturated-fat diet, and NEVER smoke cigs or drink caffeine.

    BP is mainly hereditary and this is the case for me. my cousin is the same way; he's a professional wrestler and never smokes and is in outstanding shape, but he still suffers from high BP despite a rigid diet and work-out plan. I've never had or have anxiety issues... my BP is naturally elevated so normal stress (like college work) I find is alleviated by marijuana often. I go to class and work, and remain very committed to both. weed allows my mind to calm down at night so I don't worry about the next day's work. nothing wrong with that.

    my current BP is 127/81 with a pulse of 72... which is fine. it was in the 150s with pulse in lower 100s before I started smoking tonight. thanks weed!
  4. #4 NySt0nerPunk, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
    I'm no health professional but i will give you information without a source

    BP is not hereditary

    You are consuming food that is causing that problem for you and your family. You don't have to believe me but i will provide you the info

    If you consume meat, The animal fat is very tainted and i have been researching this, It can cause heart attacks and obesity and raise your blood pressure which can then lead to kidney failure. the animal flesh is dirty and is infected with "toxoplasmosis" its some type of parasite/bacteria "Up to one third of the world's human population is estimated to carry a Toxoplasma infection"

    causes heart attacks and obesity can through high blood
    pressure cause kidney disease

    There is uric acid in meat, basically that is Urine a waste product. You must also avoid ANY type of salt product.

    Salt contains a chemical called "
    sodium silico-aluminate" If you research that is commonly used in The substance can be found in household air fresheners, latex wall paints and water softeners, according to the National Institutes of health...Understood?

    and now to add more it also includes Sodium silico-aluminate and sodium acetate and have been researched and is damaging to the kidneys and the sodium acetate can/possibly increase blood pressure and you piss less


  5. Dude my pressures weird too.
    Last I checked, just at safeway mind you, it was like 149/65 with a pulse of 57

    How old are you? I read some stuff saying that it's common for guys from like teens to early/mid 20s to have a high systolic like that.
  6. #6 NySt0nerPunk, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
    In the animal flesh there is something called "malondialdehyde" it's some shit that is linked to "Oxidative stress"

    It's some shit in the animals cells pathologically....

    and this gets way deeper "Mesophilic bacteria" is a dangerous microorganism that is in dirt and water that's where the aniamls are so it infects them and causes various unknown sicknesses
    The doctors are not going to tell you this shit obviously.

    There is something they get to called "amyloid plaque"
  7. THC is a vasodilator, so it enlarges the capillaries blood vessels and whatnot, which in turn will lower your blood pressure and usually your heart rate will increase to keep homeostasis maintained while smoking bud on a daily basis. Excuse me, anyways if you are having like heart problems or something from some gnarly shit like some Robin Cook novel I wouldn't smoke because you might straight up die and you don't wanna be the first guy to die from smoking bud
  8. #8 Contristo, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    blood pressure is influenced by both race and family history, as research shows. this info comes from my doctor with a PHD from Columbia Med School. not sure, but you seem to have some bias against eating meat? meat is not the issue. saturated fat and sodium is. you can have healthy meat, like grilled chicken, and actually help your blood pressure while keeping your protein use in check.

    those facts seem to be generated from a documentary written with bias by a vegan. certainly I will not argue against stress increasing blood pressure, but to blame that stress on animal flesh is absurd and over-reactionary. there are many factors in this, from natural work-related stress, to family history (it generally tends to skip a generation - my grandma always had issues and now me and many cousins do) and race (African-Americans are significantly more prone). some people can eat like a rabbit - nothing but veggies, fruit, and water - and their BP will still be high. to limit the causes to chemicals in meat is absurd.

    Dipt Sounds: thanks for the concern, but there are no heart issues here. just pre-hypertension... urinalysis and EKG's brought up no issues. doctor recommends to reduce sodium intake and to try out some meds, no emergencies. was just commenting on how weed actually seems to help my stats.

    noahluv: I'm 22 in July. I am 5'9" and weigh 150lbs and exercise often, with a good diet for my age, so health and age do not seem to be helping much for me. at least I caught it early...
  9. He needs a SERIOUS diet change and need to avoid many things.
  10. #10 NySt0nerPunk, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
    Sir i hope you did read my post and do some research on what i presented to you, Obviously it seems you completely ignored it, Well that is your choice.

    Oh no i loved eating meat, Well that was quite a while ago.

    Your doctor with his PHD in what?
    Columbia med school? Ok it's learning institution. I have no bias against anything. You were posted about health problems and i am offering advice.

    Technically you have no idea who i am, where i am from, what i do, or the people i associate with.

    Your doctor with his PHD...Congrats to him?
    There is a huge difference between a dotor and a "Scientific medical researcher"

    You have just assumed it as "FACT" supposedly by a "Biased Vegan" you do know what you are implying right? Vegans are not Scientific Medical Researchers, Well possibly there are some but the community in whole is very diverse and they research. You just seem to defend your meat, Okay it's not a problem to anyone. But you are uptight about the bias supposedly untrue written article by a vegan even though you have no idea about anything, We are all a little bit ignorant.

    I can detect your unawares of what you are typing and thinking, And your faith and belief in this man with a PHD is almost "God Like" which is a little neglectfull, Because no one is "Mister know it all" But there is research out there. But it is okay, You are in the bad position.
    You have another fault, This is not blamed, This is "Research"

    You have a life of your own so you may not have the time or access to information that some people have or even the ability to gather research and incorporate it together to come to a realization or a conclusion.

    Yes this is also true because all those chemicals are unable to be digested normally because it's "Foreign" and your system does not have the capabilities of doing so, Therefore yes they might have consumed some very unhealthy things and gave birth and passed it on, This is very common in medical terminology.

    Again you have mistaken, That is a rabbit and it is prone to what i have mentioned above, When you have the time you possibly/hopefully will understand what i am talking about[/QUOTE]

    Once again the research is out there but you seem quite busy with something so anyway i shall continue to explain my point

    It is proven medically and scientifically that NON meat eaters very seldom/barely/Almost NEVER encounter high blood pressure - That is fact

    Oh no absolutely not, i did not limit the causes to chemicals in meat, Did i not mention "Salt":smoke:

    lol you have just proved one my statements above that i have mentioned.

    Oh of course this is understood, You don't seem to realize a danger i am trying to point out here, but it's your life though so i just took my free time to send you a warning to be careful and watch your health. But apparently you are putting all your trust and life with the PHD doctor...Hey go ahead, I was simply informing you of things that apparently you have really no clue about. And your doctor wants your money young man, Honestly in reality he couldn't give a shit about you at all. I am a very blunt man...No disrespect my friend.

    You're a very young man, Obviously nothing bad will happen now, It's called development, When you have time do some research, but hey, It's your life.

    It's sad there are many things people don't know, but hey you can talk to them, warn them, try and educate them.

    Continue consuming those products and at middle age you will have problems. This is like me being a nurse to you, giving you good advice for your life.

    I am done here, Stay faded
  11. #11 Contristo, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2011
    what a condescending response. you're legitimately nuts, or simply brainwashed by false information with no scientific backing. I'm assuming English is not your first language? no issues with that, but much of what you speak of is incoherent nonsense with some outdated terminology and pretentious demeanor thrown in for fun.

    you can attempt to "educate" me if you want, but your false sense of superiority prevents any useful information from coming out. you are insane if you think the only way to combat high blood pressure is to go vegan. absolutely nuts-o. and to not even present scientific research supporting your claims? absurd. but of course, they were written by PROFESSIONALS in the field, and listening to them would simply be ignoring you, right? how unfair! please do not write off my age as some form of ignorance. it contradicts one of your rebuttals against me. I never said I knew you. what I said was I DON'T know you, and therefore I trust someone with a PHD in internal medicine from Columbia quite more, especially when you have no research to back up your claims and they DO.

    isn't it clear how i got the thought that you got your information from some biased pro-vegan anti-meat documentary? your words are filled with uneducated rambling and fictional psuedo-science. my BP right now is a normal 125/80 and I intend to live a healthy lifestyle with low sodium, lots of water, plenty of exercise and - *GASP* - LEAN MEAT to combat it. your attempts to infiltrate my thoughts with your ridiculous personal beliefs have proven to be a failure.

    even worse, you have no idea what the concept of heredity means. your view of the medical field lacks the process of individualizing patients and, most importantly, common sense. treating patients without regard for their own personal lifestyle, family history, and the increased effects of certain ailments on particular races is absurd and would be disastrous. thank god you have nothing to do with the medical industry.
  12. So a person is legitimately nuts for giving you advice over the internet, Brainwashed i am? I have given you the names of the chemicals and the Mycobacterium contained in such species, Obviously unhealthy shit like this would not be published everywhere or even taught to doctors, It's a profit game. My english? Typos and flying like a kite my friend.

    Outdated terminology? Nope it's not at all...NO idea how you assumed or even typed that, Go do the research. pretentious? No...Demeanor? NOPE. Fun? Nope.

    Consuming in moderation? Why not. i'm not telling you to change anything, i'm skooling you over the internet.

    I never said you had to go vegan, I am ACTUALLY EDUCATING YOU. But apparently you can't use a search engine or just got pissed off at me for some odd reason. [/QUOTE]

    I am not here to write a health article, Go search and find the scientific research...It's there floating around, But it's not easy to find, You have to actually surf the net. The info is hidden to most but is still available from Private researchers with the facts.

    You don't have to listen, NO ONE IS SAYING DON'T DO THIS. It's info about health in a different field[/QUOTE]

    Internal medicine has no relation to what i was informing you about. LOL

    Actually it's not from a vegan source, or anti meat documentary, or psuedo-science. It's way beyond that. What is typed above is REAL SCIENCE. documentaries cannot educate anyone about science.

    The definition of science isn't really understood by most, Including you.

    Nope just informing you. Haha

    Actually these micro/bio chems that go into your body sometimes cannot even be ridden of thus it stays and infects your dna, THUS passing it on.

    Real talk here, Research is done everyday. Your concept of heredity is not very well understood apparently

    Being a doctor and treating people have nothing to do with the topic i was discussing.

    it's called science.

    ....You're pretty smart man
  13. that's alot of quoting.
  14. #14 NySt0nerPunk, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2011
    i guess, But hey, It's information
  15. you are a good example of why people shouldn't smoke weed. it's obviously fried your fucking brain brohan. yeah, smoke weed and it'll cure anything, it'll fix broken bones, it'll make you grow taller, it'll turn you into superman. you're nuts. don't advise people on anything. you are the one that said "weed isn't addictive, you'll just want to be high all the time" LMAO you need to check into rehab
  16. Blah blah blah
  17. There is no actual science in this thread.
  18. #18 chiefton8, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2011
    No, BP has a hereditary factor. Read some literature.
    Chromosomal mapping of two genetic loci associated with blood-pressure regulation in hereditary hypertensive rats
    Evidence for a Gene Influencing Blood Pressure on Chromosome 17 : Genome Scan Linkage Results for Longitudinal Blood Pressure Phenotypes in Subjects From the Framingham Heart Study -- Levy et al. 36 (4): 477 -- Hypertension
    Linkage of 11[beta]-hydroxylase mutations with altered steroid biosynthesis and blood pressure in the Dahl rat - Nature Genetics
    Genetic Susceptibility for Human Familial Essential Hypertension in a Region of Homology with Blood Pressure Linkage on Rat Chromosome 10
    SpringerLink - Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Volume 314, Numbers 1-2

    Malonaldehyde appears in meat at concentrations ~30ng/g (peer reviewed source:Antioxidant Activity of Dietary Oregano Essential Oil and). Assuming you weigh 150lbs and eat ~1/2lb of meat per day, then you're consuming ~0.00008microg of malonaldedhye per g of weight per day. Liver toxicity occurs in mice (according to this peer reviewed study: Oral toxicity of malonaldehyde: a 90-day study on ... [J Toxicol Environ Health. 1983] - result) at around 2ug per g of mice per day. In other words, acute toxicity occurs at 25,000x's the amount you would eat from eating a burger. And generally speaking, free malonaldehdye in the cell is used more as MARKER for endogenous oxidative stress, and not so much a exogenous source of oxidative stress.

    First, taxoplasmosis is not a type of bacteria. Second, you conveniently left out the next sentence from your wiki searching, "During the first few weeks post-exposure, the infection typically causes a mild flu-like illness or no illness. Thereafter, the parasite rarely causes any symptoms in otherwise healthy adults." Sounds like you're a hypochondriac. Do you bleach your hands every time you touch dirt or someone else? Because you can also catch equally bad parasites that way. :rolleyes:

    Again, "mesophilic bacteria" is not an organism, it's a general classification for bacteria that grow at ambient temperatures. In fact, much of our intestinal tract is lined with such essential bacteria. Sure, there are such harmful bacteria, but that doesn't mean they get into all meats and that all are going to kill us. And by the way, vegetables and fruits grow in does this mean we shouldn't eat those too? :rolleyes:

    Basically, what you're saying is this: food can carry with it small quantities of potentially harmful bacteria and compounds. But where you are wrong is to assume meat is the only type of food that you should concerned about this. The reality is that ff we go by what you say, then we shouldn't eat any food at all. I mean, didn't they find some pathogenic E.coli in a batch of spinach a couple years ago that killed a few people? Why didn't you include that we shouldn't eat spinach because it can have mesophilic bacteria in it?

    From what you're written here, it's apparent you have no background in science or medicine. Everything you're learned and presented here shows you're just reiterating unsubstantiated talking point from some alarmist vegan documentary and some google searching. And the reason I know this is because, as a PhD biochemist myself, it only took me a few minutes to look up a few articles and apply some basic scientific knowledge. It's easy to pick out those that have a strong science background and those that know nothing more than how to use wikipedia. Sort of like it would be obvious if I stepped out onto a basketball court that I wasn't a professional basketball player.
  19. #20 chiefton8, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2011
    That's it? After all the things you proclaimed with such confidence, are you admitting you were making it up? I mean, you made whole other thread in the Science & Nature forum asking those folks to back you up because you were so sure of yourself. :confused_2: :confused:

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