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Weedless and depressed.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by classactslacker, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. I just recently got my license tooken away because of a DUI and i just ran out of weed now i have no way to get it because the dealer won't some out to were i'm at and no one will take me out to were he is at because it is to far, and there are no taxis in my city and no near by bus stops.:(
  2. If your depressed because you have no weed this is a clear warning that its time to take a little break.
  3. Yeah dude don’t be depressed because you have no weed. You can live without it for awhile just chill and do other activities. And then later on when you pick up again you will enjoy weed even more.

  4. Yes, this. Think of all the people that dont smoke weed, they still find ways to have fun. Yes, it is more fun with weed, but those people prove it is possible to have fun without it.
  5. Word.
  6. dude is sitting at home without a DL. I think some weed would pick up his spirits. What's he going to do go for a walk or read book.
    Sorry dude, maybe try to pickup a new hobby that you can do at home.
  7. buy more, if im picking up weight my dealer is more open to other areas for the deal to take place, bringing it away from his house he could possibly want, just make sure you know the dude, and if that doesnt work watch a movie online or drink, both if you want to
  8. this is where alcohol comes in handy. lol

    theres a million things to do without a car/weed. If you can't find anything, you need help.
  9. Yep, no ones gonna run 20 miles for a quarter, but if you make it an O or two
  10. hope it works out man :)
  11. Im not depressed just bored, not realy sure why i put depressed though.

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