Weed will never be legalized.

Discussion in 'General' started by Intelligence, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. Don't ask why, it's pretty obvious, we all have high hopes but no one
    stands up for what they believe etc.

    Everyones to busy gettin' stoned :smoking:
  2. Kind of difficult with a government that has entirely too much power.
  3. Not with that attitude! :smoking:
  4. I am not really pro nationwide legalization... decrim would be sick but that is all I would want to see.
  5. At least you're not contributing to the stream of negativity the anti-legalization movement gets from outside of the marijuana smoking community! Erm...wait.

  6. I really hate this point of view. It's so extraordinarily counter productive it's ridiculous.
  7. Legal or not. We need to stop being discriminated against.
  8. Yeah, stop discriminating against criminals!
  9. I wish we could all just move to an island and not be told what we can and can't put in our bodies.
  10. I respectfully disagree i give it 5 years for the west coast (Wa, Ca) maybe sooner. The rest of the country will come around once those do.

    Most People controlling the country are extremely arrogent not stupid (although some can push it), people will relies its potential....

    I hope :eek:

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