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Weed traditions?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Leetskees, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hey ya'll, just was smoked a bowl and started thinking, (this sentence can't be heading anywhere good:smoke:) I have this tradition with weed where I get really high at the beginning of a sack and then at the very end to finish it off with a bang! Anybody else have some weed traditions worth mentioning?
  2. interesting. i do this too but its beccause im so stoked on the new sack i just blaze til im fried but at the end i gotta get er done
  3. My tradition is simple. Smoke weed all day every day :D

    A joint in the morning. 2 in the afternoon. 3 in the evening and 2 before sleeping!
  4. I almost always separate out the smaller buds/shake and smoke that first or throw them in the hash stash(jar with shake, etc for qwiso). And i like to smoke a bowl or two more than usual with a fresh pickup i suppose..
  5. one of my traditions is when the blunt gets down to the roach, and you throw it on the ground you must bury the roach in the ground, that way you are commemerating the blunt for the good work it has done in getting everyone high

  6. Lol, very nice! :smoke:
  7. I smoke my pipe at a downwards angle for some reason, I do it with other pipes too. I never use white lighters, and always admire the beautiful plant before I INCINERATE IT. :smoke:
  8. I wait til the full moon for my ritualistic smoke. I find a virgin victim (Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments, WoW parties, etc., not hard to find, pre-meditated of course, how often do these gatherings happen on the full moon?), strap him to an alter and spill his blood on my bowl (freshly packed of course).

    The candle nearest his head is the flame I use to spark the bowl. That is my tradition :metal:

  9. That was truly awesome:smoke:
  10. lol at what you guys seem to think tradition is

  11. I think the term they are after is 'ritual'. 'Tradition' means ideologies, rituals, etc passed down to a generation. But never mind, at least the understanding is there.

    I'll never smoke a joint I have just rolled. I like to wait at least ten minutes before smoking it. There's absolutely no scientific basis for this, I just like to allow the joint to 'settle' before enjoying it. Like a good ale.

    When I spark it up and take my first toke, when I exhale I always do it very pronounced and upwards towards the sky. I roll all my roaches with an 'M' fold in the middle, as it is the first letter of my first name.
  12. My tradition is to have a nice wake 'n' bake atleast twice a week:smoke:
  13. vape at night dry atm hoping to pick up a 8th of dank if i can find some
  14. What's up with white lighters being unlucky? I heard that recently from my friend's roommate because I've always been using white ones (it's super easy to see how much fluid is remaining.)
  15. Everytime I pick up a new bag I'm like a little kid on Christmas day. I'll grind my weed, then weigh it, then put it into piles and smell it and then weigh it again; some more smelling, then a fresh bowl pack haha
  16. i do this at the beach... and im always at the beach
  17. Always smoke someone up when I get a new bag.
    Always use bics
    Never use white ones
    When my friends and I go blunt cruising, we go to tedeschi's and grab a honey dutch and we all have our seat and our job. I break, my friend packs and my other friend rolls.

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