Weed Tea

Discussion in 'General' started by Derrick14, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. How do I make it? (Simplest way possible)
    How much weed do I need? (I want to use as little marijuana as possible)
    How much do I need to drink?
    I do NOT want to use alcohol. I've heard honey can be used?

    This is for me only, I am not going to serve this to anyone until I know how to make it properly. So I need correct answers keeping in mind this is to get ONE person high please.

  2. omg so well written I could fuck you! but wow I'm looking for the same thing lets hope somebody can help us out broski duder! :cool:
  3. I've always used stems to make tea. Just collected a bunch of them, usually after make some kind of edible. put them all in a coffee filter, tied it off... or you can use a large tea bag. Let it simmer in water for a few days. Sooooooo good. Tastes amazing and very mellow.

    Just make sure you keep an eye on it so you don't boil all the water away. just a very low simmer. crock pots work wonders.
  4. I wanna use buds so I can get the tea faster.
    I want minutes!
  5. #5 rainbowsunshine, Jan 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2009
    I'd suggest making oil then, and mix the oil with some tea that's already made.

    edit: but that still takes about 20-30 min.

    you just make it like you would cannabutter, but instead of butter it's made in olive oil.
  6. k, well how do I make oil?
  7. cup of oil (more if you want it less potent), 1/8 of weed (more if you want it more potent)

    grind the weed up fine
    add to oil
    simmer on med heat 20-30 min
    drain with cheese cloth or coffee filter
    put into jar and use in whatever you want.

  8. Thanks. And when this is done I just poor it into tea and Im good to go?
    EDIT: Do I add water?
  9. Just make tea how you normally would and add as much cannaoil as you please.

    I use the one cup, 1/8 recipe for a batch of brownies.

    I don't know how good the tea will taste. I've never tried it with oil, but it sounds like it might work well.

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