If your parents let you get high all day then they don't care. Blame your parents for your wannabe addiction. Seems fitting. Seriously, its as black and white plain and simple as just smoking less. Its not hard... I remember being in highschool and living to smoke pot.. what a dummy I was.
there will be many times in life where you get in over your head, or where you find yourself more addicted or into something then you expected/know is good for you. you have to step back, look at the situation and decide if you want to change for the better, for what works for your life.
Just stop smoking for a week, cold turkey then ask yourself this same question I bet you will be able to answer your own question this time around.
[quote name="I Railed Hellen Keller" post="19411175" timestamp="1390768896"]Just stop smoking for a week, cold turkey then ask yourself this same question I bet you will be able to answer your own question this time around.[/quote]I think this is good advise aswell. Make sure you have no weed in your house and go a week cold turkey and reevaluate things
my new years resolution is to t break as many days as i smoke. so say i buy an eighth and some it over 4 or 5 days, ill then wait 4 or 5 days till i smoke again (or pick up again, since if theres weed in the house its gonna be smoked). Just stop smoking for a week or so to freshen up your head. and try not to get back into smoking every day, which can be difficult for some people (me included)
Damn bro yu just spoke my mind! I feel like i smoke too much....yet i cant not have my pops, wake n bakes, and midnight tokes daily ya kno... Maybe i need tbreak too what yall think? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum