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Weed strains for feeling complete bliss

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by FScm20, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. #1 FScm20, Nov 26, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
    What are some of the best weed strains, for getting a fully physical and mental blissful and tingly feeling that last for a day and more. And that makes you feel like you're dreaming while awake.

    I've felt this several times, but I can't remember the names of the buds. And the dispensary I got them from shutdown.
  2. That all depends from person to person.

    I enjoy blue dream, Jack Herer, super lemon haze.
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  3. I like most anything at least %70 indica dominant. Like albus said......all depends on the person.
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  4. theres a fungus among us for that:hippie:
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  5. I, too, really like Super Lemon Haze, but was disappointed by Blue Dream.

    Sometimes I like making a "salad"; 2 buds Green Crack, 1 bud Gary Payton, 1 bud Orange Cream Sickle. That is REALLY sweet!!! Just got some new-to-me stuff called CHEM (26.7% THC) that I like a lot. Tastes' great, has a happy happy buzz that lets you stay focused to get stuff done. Or you can just sit there and watch a Godzilla movie marathon.
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  6. Panama Red
  7. Me, too. It's the limonene. It's not only a feel good smoke but it's an excellent date night smoke.
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  8. I’ve found Sourdough and Glueberry OG to be quite nice although it depends on preference and tolerance and individual cannabinoid receptors after all we are all “different”
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