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Weed storage

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Easy_Skanking, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So my buddy reckons that keeping weed stored in a rolled joint in a drawer, rather than a baggy, keeps it drier, and therefore better to smoke.

    True or false?
  2. This is more of a preference i believe. When its drier itll burn alot faster but the smoke will be more dry, I tend to keep all my bud in bags than in a pill bottle to keep it from drying out, and most people i know keep it sealed up.
  3. I keep mine in rolled up bags and it doesnt dry out unless its over a few weeks old. A lot of my friends put their bags in mason jars or a disguised soda can stash.
  4. If im carrying under an 1/8 ill keep it in a medicine pill container/film canister. anything over that I put in a mason jar
  5. Mason jar FTW!
  6. I vaccum seal my weed by using that FoodSaver bag vaccum machine that takes ALL the air out of the bag then I put it in a Air tight FoodSaver weed stays fresh 24/7 haha
  7. put it in the freezer.:D
  8. Get a container and put an orange peel in it. It will keep the weed in good condition and give it a good taste.
  9. :wave:i put mine in a tiny guitar pedal box in my closet where its not noticeable:wave:
  10. empty yankee candle jar
  11. i put that shit in a rolled up bag inside a closed dvd case
  12. I put my bud in a baggie and in this little box i got from Wet Seal with a savers card or something.. It also perfectly fits a lighter and this tiny bowl I've got. I love it, it's everything I need. :p
  13. Appreciate all the advice, but most of you are posting WHERE you stash. I have no problem hiding it, it's keeping it decent for the next 9 months.
  14. if its just rolled in a joint and left in a drawer, itll get dry and harsh after a week, next to unsmokeable after 2 probably. if it has to last 9 months, keep it in a mason jar.

  15. This.
  16. If you have 9 months worth of weed...I'd recommend a constant state of curing really...
    Get a glass jar that's airtight, the type that seals on top with a fitted/rubbered lid, and make sure it's completely dry. Put your weed in here.
    You can put some flyscreen over the top with a rubber band to hold it on, just make sure you'll still be able to get the lid down if you do this.
    For the first 3-4 days, every few hours shake it around and open it up, shake it around again and let it air for a minute (I put the jar on it's side for this), then close it up.
    In the long term you'll be able to do this from that to gradually just once or twice a day.
    The smell and flavour tend to get better over time, and it's also been known to increase smootheness/ease of smoke.
    In any event, even if you're only considering it as storage, long term I think that's the best way - though you COULD probably freeze it if you bagged it right?

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