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Weed Stem Collection?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SweetLeaf04, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Ive thrown away a fair amount of stems since I've started smoking. I was wandering if it would be worth it to collect all these stems for let's say... A year. And then at the end take all my stems and dissolve the thc into an alcohol solution in the hopes of maybe getting a little bit of oil or wax? Even if it's just a little bit (.5) would it be worth it? I mean come on... Think of all the stems...
  2. would like to know the answer to this too
  3. As a grower I throw a shitload of that away.
    Look at it this way, risk possession of 10 pounds+ of stems for a couple grams of hash oil.
    I do have some big stalks I want to turn into walking sticks,
  4. Well it's not like I'm gonna have 10 pounds. I'm talkin maybe a quarter ounce at the most. Even if it only nets you a tiny bit of oil/wax. My theory is that there must be at least some thc on the stems? So if there is why am I throwing it away? Why not just collect them all, save them up, then when you have enough extract the thc out of all the stems in order to obtain a feasible amount to collect. Even if it's a drip of oil... it can still be smoked. A quarter ounce of stems in my smoke spot ain't gonna gather any attention. Were by no means talking pounds! Haha
  5. I saved up around 20 G and made some tea Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Yeah I've heard of a lot of people doin that. I'm just not a big tea drinker. But id like to definitely give it a try one day!
  7. We used to throw stems into vodka for a party drink- turns it greenish. Best in mixed drinks.  But I have also evaporated it down to a couple tablespoons of liquid and added very dry cannabis- it is not a flavor improvement, but it makes the pot a lot stronger.
  8. Hmmm interesting. Great idea. How many stems? 1/4O?
  9. I would try putting the stems in a four chamber grinder and putting it in the freezer then shaking it for kief Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  10. ive smoked stems before. gave me a good buzz. i dont think it is worth it
  11. #11 rozal, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    You should be keifing those stems. I save all mine and when I run out Ill put them in a pill bottle with a screen (hose, book cover, shoe store try on socks, etc) stretched over the hole and rubberbanded down. Put a dime or a guitar pick or something in there too. Put the cap on and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. After that just hold the bottle upside down and shake for 5 minutes or so and you'll have a good amount of keif. Make sure you keep the bottle upside down as the keif will collect in the cap. The danker the stem the better of course.
  12. Eat the stem like a dinosaur Omega369 :wave:
  13. [quote name="Deepthree" post="19427285" timestamp="1390975468"]I would try putting the stems in a four chamber grinder and putting it in the freezer then shaking it for kief Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Doesn't work as good as you think, the stems are a bitch to grind up cause they like turn to a million pieces of string and get caught in the teeth of your grinderSent from my XT1080 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  14. [quote name="samsonnight303" post="19428650" timestamp="1391006575"]Doesn't work as good as you think, the stems are a bitch to grind up cause they like turn to a million pieces of string and get caught in the teeth of your grinderSent from my XT1080 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]What I meant was to just put them on the screen and shake it so the trichomes fall off Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum

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