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weed smokers and tobacco smokers

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RedEyeWomble, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Yo, I was just wondering if any of you smoke full time with tabbaco aswell as smoking bud. I smoke full time which is bad i know but every night I substitute it with bud. Anyone else like me?
  2. Try to quit those cancer sticks my brotha
  3. Yh I know I really do need to. I can't say any more than that Really.
  4. Nope, don't smoke cigs at all. Fuck that shit man
  5. No way, maybe once in a while when I'm drunk I'll have a cigar or cig, but very very rare. Usually cigars though and don't inhale.
  6. Yup. Cigs sucks man. I try not too smoke that much.
  7. Never smoked a cig in my life <3

  8. I know what you mean. Ive seen my friend struggle for months now. Within the past 6 months he's said he was going to quit 9 times and hasn't lasted a week. I know its tough but its worth it in the long run.
  9. on and off casual smoker here.... no physical addiction to nicotine (or very very little), i usually enjoy the first, and now the only cig of the day as it gives the nicest buzz, a good treat after a big meal.

    its defintiely not healthy and i've already cut back alot, but its a socially acceptable legal high that is not as dangerous as alcohol so take it what you will.
  10. [quote name='"TwistedPuppy"']No way, maybe once in a while when I'm drunk I'll have a cigar or cig, but very very rare. Usually cigars though and don't inhale.[/quote]

    You probably already know this but your not supposed to inhale cigar smoke
  11. I quite tobacco. I'll still smoke sheesha out of a hookah though (Don't inhale). Same with cigars. I don't inhale on those either. I just smoke straight weed and cigars are just for special occassions with non weed smokers.
  12. fuck man I smoke way to much but if I didn't I would have murdered someone by now. I know I have to quit sooner or later but god damn do I dread that day, last time I tried quitting I screamed at the sun " If you blind me again mother fucker I will fucking kill you" and I know that if I could have I would have straight up murdered that fucker. So for the sake of everyone around me I stay smoking.
  13. I smoke both all the time. It actually surprises me many people don't smoke cigarettes.

  14. haha look at ur post count. its fate that this is ur 420th post, the higher ups have spoken :cool:
  15. I quit smoking very recently. It sucks but Soo worth it. constant blazing
  16. I smoke about 1-2 cigarettes a day, sometimes none and sometimes more when I'm drunk or with other smokers. Interesting thing about weed is that when I'm high I think more about how cigs are bad for you and not worth it and I don't want to smoke em as much. I would probably use weed if I want to quit cigs if I can't cold turkey.
  17. [quote name='"SingleActionSix"']fuck man I smoke way to much but if I didn't I would have murdered someone by now. I know I have to quit sooner or later but god damn do I dread that day, last time I tried quitting I screamed at the sun " If you blind me again mother fucker I will fucking kill you" and I know that if I could have I would have straight up murdered that fucker. So for the sake of everyone around me I stay smoking.[/quote]

    Yh I'm the same man I know I need to but the day I do will be a bloody hard one.
  18. never smoked a cig in my life, felt like shit when i realized blunt wraps are tobacco leafs... fuckkk
  19. There is nothing wrong with tobacco, the problem is the harmful chemicals they put in cigarrettes...
  20. [quote name='"Inlakesh"']There is nothing wrong with tobacco, the problem is the harmful chemicals they put in cigarrettes...[/quote]

    Thank you! Native Americans have used it for a very long time.

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