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Weed smell even when smoking outside..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ali20, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. #1 Ali20, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2012
    Hey guys! this is my first ever post, well I've been smoking weed at my house for a year now, I've been smoking for 3 1/2 years in general and my problem is I sometimes get in shit from the rents because of the smell.

    What I've been doing for the past year at my house is stepping outside the door for a quick minute and taking a hit from my small pipe, it's quick as hell and gets the job done and I don't have to worry about the folks knowing anything, this works amazingly....sometimes!!!

    I've gone weeks without the smell lingering into the house, but sometimes my folks get on my case as to why the house smells like weed, I don't get It, I smoke outside so how is the smell lingering into the house? I close the door tightly when I'm bunning outside so the smell can't be going in because of a loose door, again when I do this most of the time it works but sometimes it doesn't and it's now starting to make me paranoid every time whether the smell will linger or not.

    Can you guys give me tips/ideas as to what I can do to keep bunning outside and the smell not following me into the house and anyone know why this could possibly be happening?
  2. Maybe the bowl is still cherried/smoking when you come inside? Or the bowl itself smells like weed.
  3. Odd, i've found that the smell only lingers on you if you smoke a J outside... never with a pipe before. Used to get into my dads car after a smoke sesh and he would never seem to notice a smell.....
  4. I thought this was it too so I'd empty out the pipe completely before stepping back in the house but I still got caught the other day.
  5. Smoke hangs with you from even one rip. Its on your mouth, hair, face and in your breath. Standing downwind makes a huge difference but you will still smell immediately after. Try a portable vape for stealth tokes. Mflb works very well for this application.

  6. Hmm, maybe they are just fucking with you for fun?? :D

    That's odd, I don't know why they would smell it like that.
  7. did you have the pipe in your pocket when they caught you?

    dirty pipes cam smell STRONG sometimes and I can see how a piece could make someone less familiar with weed confuse it for a room thats been smoked in.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. can you get a vape?? i've heard that those are very stealthy smell wise. can't wait to buy one myself :)
  9. Yeah have a shower and brush your teeth and change your clothes afterwards mang. Although this activity is probably pretty suspect.
  10. I've seen Vapes but the ones I seen were huge so it would definitely not be possible for me as I wouldn't be able to hide such a big thing very well.

    Actually, every time I've been caught I was downstairs and the rents came running down screaming. :eek:
  11. make sure you are far enough away from the house so when you open the door it does not get sucked back in.

    Blow the smoke down wind so it does not get on your clothes

    wash your hands as soon as you get back inside

    also your breath will straight up reek. Pop in a piece of gum.
  12. Maybe try going completely outside and make sure you empty the bowl out before come back in. Also weed smell sticks on you on your clothing and your breath. So try brushing your teeth and maybe spraying cologne on you or taking a shower after you smoke.
  13. So with a vap there would be no smell at all in the house? so I can smoke in the house and not have to worry about anything? sounds too good to be true really, this would be amazing!

    And guys keep the ideas coming, the ones so far have been amazing, thank you each!
  14. Try taking a couple steps away from the door next time. But I think it could just be your breath, because even a few small hits will leave the smell of bud on your breathe, that's why if I don't want someone catching the smell on my breathe I usually drink something after or rinse mouth with mouthwash then water (to try and get rid of mouthwash smell).

  15. it'd prob be a good idea to open a window when you smoke. at least that's the advice i was given.
  16. Blow into the wind. I know that advise sounds dumb but all my friends are like "I don't wanna get caught" and stuff and yet they blow right into the wind, smoke getting in their hair and on their face. Sometimes you do it because you hear something but DON'T blow into the wind. :smoke: I do this same exact thing (going outside to toke) yet I go out my bathroom's window, thank god for living on the 1st floor :D Anyways, what I do is layer, like with a jacket or something, smoke, smoke a cigarette, go in, take off layers, brush teeth, eyedrops, spray, no smell or reason to suspect I am high :bongin: and I think it helps I smoke through a bubbler.

  17. Leave your bowl outside hid in a sock or something. The bowl is what is getting you caught. Keep it outside and brush or use mouthwash when you come in.
  18. Don't be lazy. Take a walk and smoke your weed.
  19. Why so secretive towards your parents, come clean they should understand you are old enough to make your own desicions in life.

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