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Weed seems more addictive than Alcohol

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blunt X, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I dont know i have been drinking since i was 15 and never had urges to go drink a beer unless i was down to party. Yet with weed i seem to want to smoke when ever i get the chance. This makes me think that weed is more addictive than alcohol although everyone says there is no addictive properties that make up MJ and that alcohol is addictive.
  2. Yeah I feel this all the time. I think it's psychologically addictive instead of physically addictive. Like if you stop doing heroine, you get body pains and stuff.
  3. There's a difference between wanting to smoke weed and having to smoke weed. When you're addicted, you HAVE to do it. I don't have to get blitzed every day and have taken long breaks, but if I'm in the mood to smoke, although I don't have to, I do anyways.
  4. All depends on the user. I don't like getting drunk or drinking for some reasons which is why I stick to marijuana. Butttt, I don't feel that I'm addicted to it infact I'm currently a month into a T break that I plan on breaking soon after my exams.
  5. I feel weeds more addicting to me because i am not very social. I like to just chill with a few buddies and chill with some ganj. Don't get me wrong i love going to parties and getting blasted, but i can only handle that 2 or 3 times a week. Plus no hangovers and a usually pleasant comedown, why wouldn't you want blaze everyday?
  6. JMO, weed isnt addictive, 12 years smoked, stopped, easy as hell, missed it, about all, but not shaking or mad, Its all in your head, lol
  7. I've been on the bad side of the bottle, it's way, way worse than smoking too frequently.
  8. I love them both and want to quit doing neither.
  9. I think alcohol is definitely more addictive. But weed is a very different kind of intoxicant. You can smoke pretty much whenever, and not have any difficulties. I used to smoke every day because the worst thing that I'd get is a headache (cheap bud). But alcohol messes you up, and isn't a good every day drug. Weeds not more addictive, it's just better. That's why I don't think people should have a problem with smoking often. They look at weed as they would another drug, but weed just isn't. It's not like anything else.
  10. I know its not addictive but it sure keeps me wanting more. I guess I just love weed way more than alcohol thats why i choose to smoke more and drink less
  11. have you ever seen an alcoholic detoxing? its not pretty... i think everyone knows alcohol is more adictive...
  12. Man smoking up in the morning sounds good but getting drunk in the morning sicks. Alcohol is a party drug hands down - Cannabis is something completely different.

    It's not really because of the addiction it's just because of the nature of the drugs. Cannabis is just better than alcohol, that's why you want it more! Hahaa.
  13. I agree weed is not addictive but its just weird that i smoke as much as i do when i have been drinking way longer and used to drink all the time but never really felt like damn i wish i had a beer right now. Theres days when im out of bud and really wish i had some but i never have beer in my fridge and never wish i had one.
  14. Alcohol is physically/chemically addictive, the more you use it the harder your addiction will hit you when you decide to stop. If you only drink once a week or a few times a month than you can stop whenever with minimal symptoms of withdraw. But if you drink everyday for a month and then try and stop you'll be hit pretty hard with withdraw symptoms, and your gonna do whatever you can to get another drink.

    With weed you can smoke every single day for 20 years and then stop cold turkey with minimal withdraw symptoms, at worse you'll be a little cranky and have trouble sleeping for a day or two. Its not that you are addicted to weed, its that you just want to get high, but your not going to go rob your dealer for all he's got cause you don't have any money to buy weed. It's similar to doing any activity, for example, playing video games. If you play video games every day for a year and then try and stop you'll probably be pretty irritable, but it will stop within a few days.
  15. there was a point in time where I smoked/vaped at least 3 times a day. That was when I didn't have a job and there was jack shit to do. After I ran out of bud, everything seemed useless and unimportant. that lasted maybe 2 days but I felt fine after
  16. marijuana heals
    alcohol kills

    anytime is a good time to smoke herb
  17. Everyones brain receptors are different. I've known people who could use heroin or coke casually, but get destroyed by alcohol because their brain screamed for more more more. I've got people in my current group who have no desire for booze, but can't stop smoking pot despite potentially losing everything for it. Statistics are helpful for groups of people, but individual experience is custom, baby. Can't pretend something ain't true and have good results.
  18. Sex is the most addictive drug.

    Sex is to marijuana as Alcohol is to Alcohol.
  19. Weed isn't addictive.

    It can be addictive if to the user if he/she have no self control. Most of the times, these users move on to hardcore shit(meth, heroin, etc.) If you're smoking 10 joints a day and managing a decent lifestyle, cool. but if you're taking shit from friends and family to fund your drugs, then I'd suggest you seek some help.

    I've done shit that might've seemed addictive, but I'd never do the shit an addict would do... I mean selling old DVDs and setting up a garage sell is ok, right? I hope...lmao
  20. Lol, well Im happy to tell you, your a stoner. XD. Dont worry man ur not addicted to weed, try taking a break to prove it to yourself if ur nervous about it. I smoked weed 2-4 times a day, everyday for 3 years for my first 3 years of high school, lol it really was HIGH school for me XD. and yea, my grade 11 summer break came along and I got a pretty good full-time job, I only blazed about 4 times that summer. So if I can make that cut without any sort of negative effects, then you should be able to as well, but only if you want to.

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