weed related dreams?

Discussion in 'General' started by mediumtoker, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. so i went to sleep last night and had a dream about i was reunited with my bong with a couple of friends and it was like godly clean like sparkly clean and i have a new bowl for it and its like this fatass bowl that could maybe fit lke 2gs in it and i look in it and it is packed to the top with kief just like TONS of kief and its like kind of rainbowish kief(magical kief?) so i torch the whole fucking thing and just totally milk it and i pass it to my friend and hes like wtf? and right before he takes a hit i pull it away from it and torch the rest of the bowl and its cashed lol. so then i wake up like damn...

    so i was wondering does anyone else have weed related dreams? if so tell them ^.^ luv to hear some crazy shit

  2. yeah I had a dream last night about how my friend is always beating me to our other friends new car and getting shotgun. I was like hell no, I want shotgun today you bastard...lol
    then we br'ed it... and I woke up pretty disappointed since I've been at home for 4 days with strep :mad:

  3. its a dream but is it pot related? sucks u got stripper throat i can see howd u wanna shotgun your friend down(im just fuckin round)
  4. I've actually gotten high in some of my dreams. Crazy right?

    I remember I had the most epic dream that was long as fuck. During the middle of it, me and my brother hotboxed with some kids that we met at the mall.

    It was so vivid and realistic; I actually remember getting that feeling when the THC first effects you after you take a hit.

  5. thats insanse dude i wish i could literally get high in my dreams
  6. bump? comon more ppl have to have these type of dreams
  7. I remember I had to go cold turkey for the whole summer. Man did I have the MOST fucked up vivid and realistic dreams EVERY SINGLE night and the most fucked up part was I would remember the dream when I woke up. But the dreams are just to weird and random to type in a post.
  8. yea if i take a tbreak then ill dream bout bud.

    like 3weeks ago i dreamed i jackd like 3ozs off this random kid i used to go to skool with's plants that were growin outside in my neighbors woods. mad random but when i woke up i was pissed, thought i had a couple oz n noope still dry.
  9. I've never had a weed-related dream until recently, even though I've been smoking regularly for a bit over a year now.

    A few nights ago I dreamt that I was growing weed, and it was soooo purple. It was crazy dark and shit.
    Super dank :D
    Can't really remember anything else... heh. But yea it was my first weed dream so I wanted to share it.
  10. the first thing I noticed when I quit smoking everyday during a dry spell was suddenly dreams were more intense and I actually remembered them when I woke up.

  11. I know what you mean. I've had plenty of vivid dreams about blazin, and a few when I've taken other drugs (not sure what they were) and gotten really fucked up with heavy visuals. Its crazy and might not be believable, but it happened and I'm glad I got to experience that.
  12. i got visited by my dead grandpa last night in my dream and warned me too do something but i forget
  13. yeah if i stop smoking for even two days ill start getting dreams. i dreamed a couple nihgts ago that my friend hooked me up with an oz of some middies and a quarter of dank shit. it realllllllly does suck waking up and remembering your out of weed.lol

    i also literally just took a nap ten mins ago and dreamed my friend gave me a free xanax bar but the whole dream was just me trying to grind it up and snort it but i never got around to it.then i woke up, no xanax :( lol
  14. yeah i had a dream of me hanging out with my old hommie and they pick up a fat sack of stress cuz that all we were able to get back in the day and he was doing that axe spray flamethrower shit then i woke up....good times, gooood times.:p yeah and haven't smoked in like 3 days.Weed dreams are always fun..well when isn't weed FUN :D
  15. I had a dream that I was a blunt gettin smoked and I couldn't wake up!
  16. Fell asleep less than an hour after smoking some dank (which I never get to smoke). Had a dream I was hanging out with Black Francis and Joey Santiago. I remember sliding down these water slides with like a 100 foot drop in a cave with deep water. So awesome.

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